Trump Dossier gets more ridiculous by the minute – IOTW Report

Trump Dossier gets more ridiculous by the minute

Daily Caller: A new book about the Steele dossier and the Russia investigation adds crucial details to the timeline of President Donald Trump’s 2013 visit to Moscow — a trip that is a central to allegations made in the infamous Steele dossier.

The book, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on American and the Election of Donald Trump,” shows that Trump had little time to engage in the “perverted” sex acts described in the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by Democrats.

The “very short” window of opportunity raises questions about whether the incident actually occurred.

Authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn report that Trump spent only one night in Moscow during a November 2013 trip to the Miss Universe pageant. They also wrote that Trump had just over six hours — from 1:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. — in which to engage in the raunchy tryst that is described in the dossier.

According to Steele, Trump had a group of prostitutes in his room at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton to perform a “golden showers” scene in front of him. The dossier alleges that encounter — which would have occurred on the night of Nov. 8 to 9 — was videotaped and the Kremlin has been using the footage to blackmail the Republican.

“Is the tape real?” MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Isikoff and Corn in an interview about their book on Wednesday.

Corn, a reporter at Mother Jones, replied that the book shows that “the time available for this was short.”

“It was very short,” he said.

Corn also noted the book reports that Steele “has been telling associates that he thinks when it comes to that particular allegation, it’s ‘fifty-fifty.’”  more here

7 Comments on Trump Dossier gets more ridiculous by the minute

  1. How ludicrous is this? Putin has been using the “golden shower” footage to blackmail Trump? Exactly what blackmail is being sought? Trump just pushed more sanctions against Putin for their election shenanigans. Are we selling another 20% of our Uranium to Russia?

    Chris Hayes – “Is the tape real”?

    Hey Chris, ask Adam Shiffty for his help. He’s got 2 “special” contacts in Russia who specialize in passing information to him. I’m sure they will get you the tape you fantasize about. Oh and don’t worry about them being radio show pranksters, that’s just their KGB cover.

  2. I maintain that most Americans don’t know the supposed dossier details or what a “Golden Shower” actually is.
    If they did they would call bullshit.
    Really, Trump hired hookers to urinate in a bed Obama may have slept in? WTF?!!!

    Instead, all they know is “Russian Collusion” blah blah blah.

    From what I understand Trump BURNED the White House mattress Obama soiled for eight years.

  3. It was clear to me (maybe I am psychic) back in Nov:
    1. GWB had Johny deliver this to the LSM (GWB is not as dumb as Yeb! He rarely does the dirty work.)
    2. Johnny was the one who did the deed. He denied it for a month but the evidence was overwhelming. He fessed up after a month of leftist lies.”Yes I gave the doc to the LSM. I found them in the trash. (sure!)”
    3. Given that GWB was behind it from the start. It was based on his hate for Don. Therefore likely bogus.

    4. It later came out that a leftist GOP web site/org actually took the money from Rove to fund the Brit to tell the lies. I admit this I did not foresee. But given their anti Ronnie articles I have no trouble with its veracity. Again a FAKE NEWS org; granted GOP but progressive GOP!


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