Trump: ‘Fight on!’ – IOTW Report

Trump: ‘Fight on!’

President expresses disappointment at justices’ refusal to review Texas case but tells lawyers to find alternate strategy.

14 Comments on Trump: ‘Fight on!’

  1. Last night I listened to the Wisconsin fraud hearings and the witnesses testimony. The Commies played the same games in that hearing as in the other states. They wanted the witnesses put under oath despite these witnesses having already signed sworn affidavits of their testimony. It’s the Commies’ way of trying to cast doubt on the veracity of the evidence. The state congressional senators on the Right were about evenly split on doing something about this now, and kicking the can down the road. This is what is so outrageous. It would be like your insurance company telling you that *this* house fire is tragic, but too bad for you. They’ll cover you on the next one. Or the police telling you it’s too bad the thief holding your flat screen on the sidewalk can’t be *positively* identified as the person who actually broke into your house. Bye bye flat screen, put better locks on your door.

    After many hours and many days of listening to these state legislators, it is shockingly obvious how entirely worthless every level of U.S. gov’t is.

    (Come to think of it, there was a story out of one of the counting centers in which the police escorted a Republican watcher out because he was “concerned for her personal safety”. Why didn’t he arrest or even warn the person/people who were threatening her?!)

  2. After a night of anger/disappointment and a lot of cursing, I woke up this morning resolved to not be disheartened.
    We still have options.
    If our President isn’t conceding, than neither should we.

  3. I have a feeling that Trump is still holding his cards close to his vest. He has demonstrated a great sense of timing so far.

    The problem is the extent of involvement in the coup by the Deep State, Democrats, establishment Republicans, Big Tech, the media and foreign governments. More and more I hope that the Insurrection Act will be invoked

  4. Before the Supreme Court decision came out I personally didn’t want them deciding ANYTHING. Even though they chicken shitted out. It’s better this way. WHY? Yeah. Texas would have been a nice nip in the bud but it’s going to make the left’s collective pus-filled head explode even more when PRESIDENT Trump begins his second term without any help from them. And then John Roberts will realize that he’s as useful as a stacked M & M on Hunter Biden’s tallywacker.

  5. AA,
    ” it is shockingly obvious how entirely worthless every level of U.S. gov’t is.”

    A few years ago a good friend explained why she closed her gift shop. She said it got to the point that between taxes and increasing costs, she was keeping the doors open merely to employ people. But when the employees took it all for granted, and couldn’t be bothered to do their duties, closing the shop was an easy and gratifying decision.

    Government employees, whether elected or appointed, are there ONLY for their salary and bennies. Time to greatly thin that herd. They have destroyed the pasture.

  6. To the best of my knowledge the California Mattressback hasn’t resigned its Senate seat yet

    You don’t need to know much more to make an educated assessment of what it thinks Trump’s chances of prevailing are


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