Trump Fleshing Out His Plans Slowly – IOTW Report

Trump Fleshing Out His Plans Slowly

Trump starts to put clay to his framework. How is he going to bridge the so-called gap between his slashing of taxes and his budget shortfall?

Are you crying the same tears of happiness I am?

He says he’s slashing the EPA and the Department of Education.

Call him whatever you want. Identify him as whatever it is you think he was 10 years ago. This guy has been LISTENING TO THE TEA PARTY.

Now More Than EVER. See an example of EPA stupidity on display (just today) after the read more-

Picture 3
ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on Trump Fleshing Out His Plans Slowly

  1. Trump is a blowhard and a narcissist. I like Cruz better. And I’m not sure Trump has it right on a lot of things. But he gets it done. And in that regard he may be better than Cruz, at least right now. I’m down for Trump/Cruz 2016, and Cruz in 2020 or 2024. Imagine what our country would be like after a few years of that! I think the rest of America is starting to see that too.

  2. Your wasting your finger prints on the “Can’t see the Forrest for the trees” here BFH. Listen to Levin, to Cavuto, to Rush, to Hannity. If you don’t get what he’s doing, please don’t vote.

  3. Ask yourself a few questions and be honest –
    Who will actually seal the border? Trump or Cruz?
    Who do you think will negotiate deals better as President? Trump or Cruz?
    Who do think will work better with Congress and Senate? Trump or Cruz?
    Who has the money to win the nomination? Trump? Cruz? Bush? Carson? Fiorina? Rubio?
    Who do you think has a better chance at winning the general election? Trump or Cruz?

  4. To the EPA:

    Okay, dolts. Sunlight is either a positive or a negative for plants. Some things about sunlight may be bad for plants but the overall effect is good.

    And if sunlight producing ozone is bad for plants, why have they survived for billions of years? Oh yeah. Because for practically %100 of those billions of years there were no liberals.

  5. He’s the only guy that’s figured out how to sustain the government as he winds it down. All the rest of the Flat Tax or what ever are all bull shit. Go pull up Cavuto’s review. His business experience just showed up yuge. And that Business Experience is why I’m firmly in his corner. All the rest is the same old shit sandwich.

  6. Between building a wall (and we do not pay for it) and really stimulating the economy with tax relief – you will see a new America.
    I think Trump truly wants to “Make America Great Again”.

  7. And with Trump being the “Greatest jobs president God ever made!”, a lot of those zero tax bracket people won’t be in that bracket forever — as they are now and have been for the past 50 years.

  8. Slashing the EPA and Dept of Ed? He needs to draw and quarter them and scatter their filthy and corrupted bits to the wind never to be recovered! Then he can slash, to a bare minimum, the Energy Dept, Interior Dept, Labor Dept, Commerce Dept, all alphabet agencies, and sundry commissions! Then he can really get serious by dragging out all the multi-thousands of putrid political appointees buried in the bureaucracy and getting them assigned early morning paper routes for the NY Times.

  9. Dept of Education is an easy target.
    Eliminating the EPA, OTOH, is a major step in destroying tyranny (and FOR private property rights).

    I’ll really be singing when he gets to
    Dept of Housing and Urban Development
    Dept of Health and Human Services
    Dept of Energy

    But it’s a start.

  10. ANYTHING established from Carter on has done NOTHING but further bloat the government while seizing unconstitutional powers. When we’re done eliminating the unnecessary Departments, we can overhaul and reduce welfare programs as well. And then we……oh, crap. I was dreaming again.

  11. Exactly!!! And how much more would the dems hike taxes over the next 5 years if they won to pay for their foolishness? we’d all be paying 50% of our income in taxes. I already pay about 30% in taxes. I would see more of my money in my paycheck.

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