Trump Flips Federal Appeals Court to Republican Majority – IOTW Report

Trump Flips Federal Appeals Court to Republican Majority

Epoch Times: President Donald Trump—for the first time in his presidency—flipped an appeals court to a Republican majority of appointed judges with the March 12 confirmation of a nominee to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Paul Matey was confirmed by the Senate in a 54–45 vote, which now gives the court a 7–6 majority of Republican appointees, with one more pending vacancy. The switch in the 3rd Circuit—previously dominated by nominees appointed by Democrat presidents—comes amid a Republican effort to reclaim the federal judiciary after President Barack Obama tipped the scales in Democrats’ favor in 2013.

Matey’s confirmation marks the 35th appeals court nominee who has been confirmed under Trump—a historic number at this point in the presidency. In the Senate vote, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) was the only Democrat who crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans for Matey. Previously, Trump successfully appointed Stephanos Bibas and David Porter to the 14-member court of appeals.

Matey, of New Jersey, will now have a lifetime seat in the 3rd Circuit. His nomination faced opposition from two home state senators—Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.). more here

9 Comments on Trump Flips Federal Appeals Court to Republican Majority

  1. If by “Republican” it’s the same sort of “Republican” worthless pieces of shit who were too afraid, or too well paid, to repeal ObolaCare and to NOT fund the wall, for 2 FUKKIN YEARS – I’m not impressed.

    A feckless gang of Traitors! Like the more recent 13 who voted against America.
    (I’d spit, but I’m at home, and the spittoon is downstairs)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. James,
    Little did I, either.
    Bait and switch.

    After Napoleon’s reign some frog made a book of all the frogs who had switched sides. The book became so cumbersome he re-wrote it to include only those frogs who switched sides twice. Again, it grew so massive that he edited it, yet again, to only those who switched sides THRICE!

    The Republicans are proving that the French Revolution lives on!
    Thank you, Senator Blunt! You have destroyed my faith in the Republicans!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So with what many of us are thinking, “republican” in this context simply implies that these judges were appointed by a republican. There is little assurance that they are in fact Conservative.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. I don’t care whether new court members are denominated “democrat” or “republican.”

    I only want true “constitutional, originalist, conservatives.”

    That is distinct from John Roberts and his ilk.

    Just sayin’.


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