Trump Hater Robert De Niro Accused of Gender Discrimination by Ex-Employee – IOTW Report

Trump Hater Robert De Niro Accused of Gender Discrimination by Ex-Employee


Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro has been accused of gender discrimination and fostering an abusive working environment for women in a $12 million lawsuit filed by an ex-employee, Graham Chase Robinson. Among other things, De Niro purportedly used sexist language, calling female employees “c—s” and “bitches,” and referred to Robinson, who was his executive assistant, as his “office wife.”

Robert De Niro is someone who has clung to old mores,” the lawsuit reads. “He does not accept the idea that men should treat women as equals. He does not care that gender discrimination in the workplace violates the law. Ms. Robinson is a casualty of this attitude.”

In her suit, Robinson says she was underpaid compared to male colleagues and given “female duties like housework.” De Niro allegedly joked to Robinson about his Viagra prescription, asked her to imagine him on the toilet and suggested she could get pregnant using sperm from a married male co-worker.

Robinson goes on to say that in April, she submitted her resignation and had her attorney tell De Niro’s team that she was contemplating a lawsuit that would address De Niro’s gender discrimination and wage violations.


23 Comments on Trump Hater Robert De Niro Accused of Gender Discrimination by Ex-Employee

  1. Al Franken goes on Conan, and few days later, woman #9 comes forward. De Niro goes on Brian Stelter, and a few days later he gets a #metoo lawsuit. Maybe these guys should stay off the TV. I know they thought they were clever going on shows that almost nobody watches, but why take that chance?

  2. I hope she wins every penny of it along with costs. Hell, if she’s allowed punitive damages doesn’t the amount potentially go to four time the actual damage award? Maybe he’ll get one of those leftish, rabid womyn’s rights Judges who see’s each case like this as a chance to teach men a thing or two using a fiscal frying pan. Let’s not forget the damage to his career and marriage that this will bring on especially of there are lots and lots of witnesses.

  3. There was a good reason behind the old Golden Age of Hollywood and the studio contract system. These guys don’t know how to conduct themselves in public (or private, for that matter).

    It’s too bad, too, because I think DeNiro is a gifted actor. It sounds — from reading the article — that there is plenty of blame and culpability to around on this one. She was being paid $300,000.00/year to do assistant stuff, including “household chores.” If she was an assistant, why didn’t she just hire lower paid people to do those things and show her boss how much money he was saving that way?

    I don’t know. This sounds exactly like the kind of thing only Hollywood gossips would be interested in. It’s probably making a lot of other actors and their assistants laugh to read about it.

    And as far as DeNiro being a Trump hater, pfffft. Not very imaginative for the Hollyweird Herd, is it? No big awards in that category.

  4. I only try (I mean, TRY) to remember him when he appeared “sane” in the Godfather II. Wish he never went off the Deep End.

    No longer watch actors with their current insanity anymore in movies. This is definitely not a good career move for them.

    Arnold?… Good Luck, buddy! Still like Stallone.

  5. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
    Obviously, he never learned the lesson of The Wise Old Fish……in order not to be caught, keep yer trap mouth shut.


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