Powerline: Earlier this morning, Donald Trump, Jr. released the email threads relating to his meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016. The emails support his account of the meeting. Here they are, with the earlier ones first. The early emails are the only significant ones; the later emails relate to scheduling.


  1. And the Russian bimbo seems to support the possibility that he was set up……someone should run a search on the guy who initiated the contact for this meeting and see how much he donated to Her Thighness.

  2. OT, has anyone seen this yet? I just did…

    It was linked by a commenter at Breitbart, supposedly it’s the actual letter the Trump voting commission sent to the states (this one to Maine). Notice this clause:

    “In addition, in order for the Commission to fully analyze vulnerabilities and issues related to voter registration and voting, I am requesting that you provide to the Commission the publicly available voter roll data for Maine, including, IF PUBLICLY AVAILABLE UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR STATE, the full first and last names of all registrants, middle names or initials if available, addresses, dates of birth, political party (if recorded in your state), last four digits of social security number…”

    If this is indeed the letter, then so much for the fake news that Trump DEMANDED states provide this data whether their laws allowed it or now.

  3. Extirpates, don’t forget the nevertrumpers. Sweaty Thumb just did a Comey 1.0 on on Don Jr., saying what Don Jr. did was, ” sleazy, unethical and damaging to his father”, before saying that what Don Jr. did was not criminal.

  4. But Stephen Colbert said they were a BIG BIG deal…..and I am stupid and get my news from him, CNN, MSNBC and Comedy Central so I am not dropping this TREASONOUS act.

  5. Even Fox Business was indicating DOW was dropping because of this news when it was down nearly 100 points.
    End of trading, DOW up .55.
    I remember election night when the Hillary lost and their self fulfilling prophecy had failed, they were saying the stocks would drop and may never recover. Now, the DOW is 21,400+.

  6. I have to admit I know nothing of this latest burger with Jr. This is because anytime I see a headline about the Russians and Trump, I say, nope and scroll past.

    Give up the Russian crap already, goofy liberals!

  7. I remember the stock market starting going up in the summer of Mitt when it looked like there was a chance that Revrums Wright’s malicious, petty, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Insecure Kenyan Kremepuff might actually be unseated! Then it went back into the doledrums again after the election. No one wanted to invest money with that asshole as President knowing they’d take a bath as a result and same goes for the Hillbag! Socialist-Communists don’t make money, they gobble it up BIG time and time will prove that nobody was better at pissing away money like the Obamboozler not to mention beating the Hell outta hard-working, over-taxed paying Americans with all-time high taxation called “Obamacare”!

  8. With regard to the Donald Trump Jr article, this is going beyond Fake News and has turned into outright harassment! Believe it or not, but some people on the Left are beginning to get it and they don’t go to the center when they discover how much they’ve been lied to. They’ll go full Right.
    Keep it up Dickheads. We gotta big tent!

  9. Now it matters that “Don Jr lied about” when he said they had no contact with Russian officials. I try not to read these Russian collusion “news”, so pardon my ignorance, but is the lawyer from Russian government? Wouldn’t be normal for the Trump campaign to try to get dirty on their opponent? How is that a crime, when they said that there was nothing wrong when Obama was actually listening to the conversations in the Trump Tower?

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