Trump Lands His Biggest Judicial Appointment Since Gorsuch – IOTW Report

Trump Lands His Biggest Judicial Appointment Since Gorsuch

DC: Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals announced his retirement Friday afternoon,

affording President Donald Trump the opportunity to replace a legal titan on the Chicago-based federal appeals court.  MORE

16 Comments on Trump Lands His Biggest Judicial Appointment Since Gorsuch

  1. Maybe he will die quietly in his sleep and his cat will eat him.
    Ray Gun appointed him, that was a mistake.
    “Pragmatism”, has no seat at the bench.
    Another black robed legislator, good riddance.
    President Trump, don’t make Ronnie’s mistake.


    Looks like Hillary Clinton is NOT making another decision!

    It’s not so much what Trump is doing, it’s what Hillary ISN’T.

    Wow. Trump won the election. I’m still amazed and satisfied.

  3. I do hope the new appointment will be a well read student of the Constitution as it is written and intended by the authors.

    The interpreters of a living (changing) constitution have bastardized our judicial system, who by their won hand the judiciary has encroached upon the Constitutional duties and responsibilities of the legislative and executive branches of government.
    Their limited powers have become unlimited. Enough!

  4. “I don’t know what ‘existing law’ means except views currently held by many judges, lawyers, and politicians,” he wrote for Slate in August. “Those views are likely to be fluid, changeable — in accordance with new social needs, attitudes, and authority. Law means one thing to conservatives, another to liberals. It has no fixity.”

    Posner has elsewhere suggested that federal judges do not need to study the Constitution.

    Wow! Who the hell considers this mental midget a legal titan? So the law is whatever he “feels” it should be that day. That’s what dictators do.

  5. Don’t put this off Mr. President. The best thing, the most important thing you can do right now is to fill all the federal Judgeship that are open. It’s more important than fighting with congress over Obamacare, more important then renegotiating NAFTA or perhaps even than North Korea. The Federal courts can stop the left in their tracks when they try to block conservative legislation or try to enact socialist or destructive plans of their own. We’ve all seen how a few Federal judges can individually or acting as a group as in the case of the 9th circuit, have blocked conservatives again and again with no recourse. Appoint good judges now, fight with congress if you have to and spend political capital as necessary but get those seats filled. It’s likely to be the your most important legacy.

  6. Excellent observation, scr_north. Trump has to nominate solid conservative judges with every opportunity. The left’s power source would be severely weakened with more conservative judgicial appointments.

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