Trump Presser With the Families Who Have Had Loved Ones Murdered By Illegals – IOTW Report

Trump Presser With the Families Who Have Had Loved Ones Murdered By Illegals

Screen Shot 2015-07-11 at 7.24.50 AMThis will bump Trump up some more in the polls.

Our government apparatus needs a bull to run roughshod through it and break up this madness.

We’ve always been told that that can’t be done. Yet, Obama is erecting this madness like a totalitarian fascist. We just need the 180˚ Obama.

HT/ Pam


13 Comments on Trump Presser With the Families Who Have Had Loved Ones Murdered By Illegals

  1. If you watched the presser there was a moment that crystallizes Trump’s importance.
    A man named Jamal said that we now know the GOP candidates are useless and liars, because they promised to do something about illegal immigration, yet as soon as Trump talked tough on the issue, the GOP field stepped away.
    This means they are not going to do anything at all about the border.

    Trump is a litmus test, and I want him around as a strong contender for as long as possible.

  2. Ted is till my guy but if he fades, and that would be a shame IMO, I don’t just want Trump as a contender, I’d want him as the nominee.

    Look back at the last 2 mid terms, man talk about getting fucking betrayed. From “build the dang fence(McCain)” to “my first priority is the repeal of ObamaCare(McConnell)” and miles of lies in between, we have been stabbed in the back multiple times by these scum suckers.

    Does anyone think that if Trump is elected, the first he’ll say is, gee this fence thing is harder then I thought? Fuck no.

    The Republican establishment(Christie, Rubio…) is freaking-they have the backing in attacking Trump, of the left dominated media, the REgressives and every other GD elite and The Donald is kicking ass.

    Now let’s see if this baseball bat of a clue makes it through some thick skulls in the rest of the field.

  3. I don’t disagree, Fur – he’s a perfect stalking horse & has already altered the gutless GOP’s drivel driven Democrat Lite platform.

    I’m saying that anyone that expects him to stick it out to the end will be disappointed. I did say I liked what he’s doing.

  4. Trump is playing this brilliantly from a political perspective because he’s hitting on the part of illegal immigration that will keep getting him the populist support that he needs to stay high in the polls and make it into the debates. But he is yet to talk about stopping illegal immigration other than building a wall. We will know that he’s the real deal when he starts taking on the issues that are the incentives for the illegals to come here, such as; free health care, tax breaks, employment laws that enable to the immigrants to lie and the employers to look the other way. When he says “politicians refuse to do anything about these problems because the Democrats want the votes and the Chamber of Commerce led Republican Party wants the money”, then, though I applaud what he is doing now, I will start taking him seriously on this subject. And very soon he needs to start building his platform around other issues, because he won’t get the nomination as a single issue candidate. There are plenty of issues around which he can arouse the populist support that demonstrate his sincerity about reviving this country; taxes, crony capitalism, gun control, religious freedom, foreign policy, to name but a few.

  5. MM Fox is always pushing the RINOS Bush and Rubio, I hope people who watch them see this and wake up. Cruz is the only candidate who would reignite America. Ted will kick ass in the debates.

  6. No, I think that if Trump is somehow elected, the first thing he’ll say is, “Oh, shit – I never thought this could actually happen! I was just ego tripping. What the hell am I gonna do now…?!”


  7. Do you want to know why Jesse Ventura was voted in as Gov of Minnesota? Do you really? Because I will tell you. You laugh now, but believe me there is a reason (this is related, trust me):

    Jesse was NEVER taken as a serious candidate (Independent), so the D & R candidates laughed when he wanted to join them in one of their debates. I’m sure they both said, “Sure. Let him make a fool of himself and make us look better.”

    Well, I watched that debate. The D & R candidates sounded like typical politicians talking in circles and spouting the same shit they always do. Jesse said what we all were thinking. He said what we wanted to hear and didn’t care if it was PC. He made the other two candidates defend what they said – and they both failed. They failed like the sold-out career politicians they were.

    I voted for him.

    So did MANY others who were sick to death of the two politicians running the same old story with the same old blah, blah, blah.

    Jesse started out strong, but with all men who have weak character – as soon as the press turned against him (somewhere in the first year when he turned on the teacher unions), he took it personally and fought back. He fought with the unions, teachers, and press. It unraveled from there. We all know how he turned out.

    BUT – what he tried to do and failed; Scott Walker succeeded. Had Jesse kept his wits about him, we would be singing his praises like we do with Walker.

    I was just as disappointed with Jesse as most of us who voted for him were. It wasn’t what he tried to do – which is exactly what a conservative would do – it was his character that failed him and us.

    Now, the reason I say this – I am concerned that Trump may have the same issue. I’m not confident that he has a better character than Jesse had.

    BUT – I want to see Trump wipe the floor with all of the other candidates and MAKE them defend what they say. If he becomes the candidate, he will gut Clinton or anyone that the Ds anoint.

    Even if he doesn’t win the primary, he just may eliminate many of the not-so-serious R candidates just by exposing their stupidity and RINOness.

    The next year should be very telling for anyone who cares.

  8. In the end, the president we elect will be as far rightwing as the imposter is leftwing. Just as in the business world, when Trump is finished with his competitors the only ones standing will be ones with a spine and a very large pair of testicles.

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