Big Government: During his “60 Minutes” interview Sunday, Republican presidential front-runner appeared to come out in favor of a form of single payer health insurance for the uninsured (although he does says he’s going to “take care of everybody”) and openly called for raising taxes on the wealthy. [emphasis added]
Donald Trump: Obamacare’s going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what’s going on with premiums where they’re up 40, 50, 55 percent.
Scott Pelley: How do you fix it?
Donald Trump: There’s many different ways, by the way. Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, “No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private. But–”
Scott Pelley: Universal health care.
Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.
Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?
Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–
Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?
Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.
Trump was equally forthcoming about his plans to raise taxes on the wealthy: MORE
PLEASE NOTE: Nolte is a notorious anti-Trump writer.
The comment section is more informative, as is Conservative Treehouse (regarding tax reform plans):
Once you get past “I’m going to make America great again” some of the answers are a little tougher to take. IF, he is the nominee he still has my vote but I’m not ready to say he is my first choice.
Remember when they were jumping on his ass for not getting specific? Now that he’s getting specific they’re being thrown for a loop. Every time they try to one-up Trump he turns around and kicks them in the ass. My take? Ok lets here what he has to say and compare. Anyone else talking healthcare and taxes? Sure, but is anyone throwing their plan out there? Once again Trump is in the lead.
Trump is a self-serving gas-bag. If I have to waste my vote for a write-in candidate, then so be it. He is not receiving my vote.
Once single-payer is in, then we will look like Europe in no time flat. At this point, does Europe look attractive or even viable in even 5 years?
They better get those explorations to Mars started on the drawing board.
Why can’t we just have catastrophic insurance for the big shit, and just use doctors for normal run of the mill shit without going through insurance? I’m so tired of this HMO PPO mess. I should be able to go to a doctor like I go to a hairdresser. More hairdressers, better competition, lower prices = better haircare!!!
And dammit, Trump needs catastrophic hair care insurance.
Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it.
There is an infinite demand for healthcare and costs will never be under control as long as somebody other than the patient is paying for it (i.e. employers, insurance, or government). Unless the patient is responsible for a large portion of the bill, a cost-benefit trade off can never be made correctly and will always gravitate to the most expensive and frequent treatment.
Take me back to pre Obama. I can take care of myself.
About three weeks after Romney lost the election, Donald Trump did an interview with Newsmax where he said Republicans needed to alter their approach to immigration — to be less mean-spirited and heartless. In fact, he believed that Romney turned off Hispanics because of it. And unless the Republicans softened their approach to immigration and to the people who come to America to be a part of the American dream (could have been worse, he could have said “out of love), no Republican would ever win the White House again. Effectively parroting the post-election Establishment GOP talking points that helped get the ball rolling with the Gang of 8.
Then, of course, there was the 2013 meeting between Trump and some illegal alien DREAMers who managed to “change his mind” about legalizing DREAMers.
Funny how he claims Rubio’s “Gang of 8” involvement nullifies Rubio as a candidate, but Trump’s own squishy, soft, pro-immigration positions don’t nullify him. In fact, they are simply ignored or glossed over as if they don’t matter.
Trump isn’t a clown. He isn’t a buffoon.
He’s a fraud.
That’s what he is describing. Strange they highlighted and focused on the least important part of the interview.
” But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitor”
As a business person and someone that has employed 50 people at a time, this is huge.
This articles just another RINO hit piece on Trump.
Once you put a single payor system in place even if the intention was coverage for just the really poor then it can be fairly easily changed to cover all. Then you add a new Health Care Levy and call it Fair Share or something similar and base it on a percent of taxable income income and kaboom, you’ve got a single payor system. Trump is a rino, always has been. Well that, and a narcissistic gasbag.
Brad, Trump could say he was gonna drain the Great Lakes and make a Tennis court and you would say it’s a great idea. You don’t sound like a business owner and certainly don’t understand what Single Payer Insurance means.
Before Obama Care, if someone that was uninsured went to the E.R. Who paid for it? We did. Right? So now read back over what he described and tell me the difference.
Single Payer is Hillary-Care. He endorsed it, remember?
You’re not answering my question.
He has no idea what he is saying on this issue
Bad Brad is right. This is an anti-Trump hit piece. It’s not European style, single payer socialized medicine, as his haters like Nolte are reporting.
” But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.”
Trump is talking about reforming the “single payer” systems we already have, Medicare and Medicaid. Ideally, we should get rid of them, and go back to catastrophic health insurance, and a pay as you go system, but it’s too late for that. We can only dump Obamacare and reform what we have.
If Trump makes healthcare a free market consumable prices will come down so far so fast that the cost of paying for uninsured will be minimal.
There’s no way we will ever get away from providing healthcare for free for those too poor or too irresponsible to purchase insurance on their own. That does not mean, however. that they are “entitled” to the premium care, short wait times and ease of finding providers that those who pay out of their own pocket should get.
Maybe turn the VA hospitals over to those who refuse to buy insurance and give vets access to private doctors and hospitals?
No. It’s not “Single payer”, but if there are going to be plans set for the “poor” and whatever, he has to answer to how the hell he’s going to do it without involving ME.
Look, the poor and the lazy need to pay for their own shit, including paying tax. No vouchers, no deductions, no credit, no bullshit. Sorry.
He wants to make deals with hospitals and doctors on the “poor’s” behalf, group them together with their own money and leave my ass out of it. I’m tired of being involved in someone else’s healthcare.
I need MORE details than this before I vote for him or anyone else’s ideas.
Single payer is just a massive medicaid expansion and it’s been a staple of Hillary Clinton’s plans since the early 90’s. It’s also an expensive, unsustainable, system that places a massive burden on medical facilities and requires an exorbitant level of taxation. How you can support a plan we’ve been fighting for the last 25 years.
bring back doctors that did house calls. and you pealed off cash to pay for the visit.
my gripe is portability of insurance.
I was ready to support Trump all the way as long as he threw out all the illegals. Even the lousy things he says about trade and health care. I would have accepted all that crap if he just threw out the illegals.
But now, he seems to be moving more towards, yes, we’ll make them leave, but they can come right back in. what the hell does that mean?
I’m sure as HELL not going to vote for him and a single payer gov’t health plan and protectionism and all that kind of lousy stuff if THE SOB IS GOING TO BACKTRACK ON KICKING THE MEXICANS OUT!
Tell me which candidate is not a fraud?
Trump can not say “I’m going to kick all the Mexicans out and they aren’t coming back.”
Trump is giving you the wink wink and you’re not seeing it.
Just let him build the wall and you’ll see how much this country changes for the better. I trust him more than any of the other assholes running that aren’t going to do shit if they’re elected.
My doctor told me I was right, when I said I could reduce Medicare and Medicaid 25 to 35 percent. I proposed that these things (mostly free) could improve health and reduce medical costs: First, eat nutritious meals; Second walk every day, or exercise; Third, Stop smoking; Fourth, drink alcohol in moderation; Fifth, drink plenty of water; Sixth, get adequate sleep; Seventh, stop doing ‘street’ drugs and abusing prescription drugs.
This isn’t rocket science people!s
If you want to end the war on drugs….drug test everyone receiving government money. That’s everyone from the President down to the welfare mom. And yes, it includes government contractors. I don’t give a fuck what someone does with private money, but when they are getting high on mine, it really pisses me off.
That, and get Goobberment out of the health care regulatory and crony capitalism business. This will allow free market competition which will lower costs. And if you don’t get the care you’re promised and are paying for, you’re free to switch over to the competition. And sue the original insurer for breach of contract.
It should be a private plan for the ALL part. No matter how small, how well intentioned a Gooberment plan or law or bureaucracy starts out to be, “mission creep” will continually expand that original mission to be an all encompassing, overwhelming, intrusive nightmare.
As a recent example, think of the EPA and its claim over ALL waterways, no matter how large or small, permanent or temporary, natural or manmade, on public or private lands, flowing or still (ponds, puddles and cattle troughs).
Another example – “Patriot” Act and the NSA, anyone? Need I say more?
Obama, meet Trump. I’ll have to find and read the full interview to more fully decide for myself, but The Donald is starting to sound more like Obama then I care to listen to.