Trump Re-indicted by Jack Smith – IOTW Report

Trump Re-indicted by Jack Smith

Details from Robert Gouveia.

20 Comments on Trump Re-indicted by Jack Smith

  1. The dude needs a blanket party.

    I’ll bet he’s a liberal Jew, without looking him up on Wiki. That makes him an antisemitic fruit cake like that long list of liberal JINOs like Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Anthony Weiner…sorry, how many characters are allowed?

  2. Any body ever look up Jack Ass Smiths prosecution record? I have. The very few case Jack Ass Smith has won have been overturned. The guys a stone cold loser that has been promised big things by Eric Garland should he be able to STOP DJT. That’s his motivation, that’s what we’re dealing with.

  3. Jack is just a cog in the massive wheel attempting to stop Trump. Reason and reality have nothing to do with their efforts – neither does law. The people who really run things are “pee in the pants” terrified of Trump. They will do anything they can to prevent his election because he shines a light on their darkness of corruption, intentional destruction of the country and their utter disgust / lack of respect for the American people and our laws.

  4. It uses to be Bill Clinton was “In Case of Emergency” go to, then Obama now it’s lawfare.

    It says a lot about how underwhelming they all are and how desperate they are now.

  5. Remember, he’s acting under orders. ‘They’ don’t gas about him. He’s just the blunt instrument. He’s not really part of ‘their’ world. Conveniently for ‘them’ he just a sleaze for hire. I just pray Trump is over trying to get along and shows no mercy for this cabal.


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