Trump tells Paul Ryan to quit wasting time and mind The People’s business – IOTW Report

Trump tells Paul Ryan to quit wasting time and mind The People’s business

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT):

1:40 p.m.

The Republican presidential nominee is lashing out at the Republican Party’s top elected official.

Donald Trump tweeted Monday afternoon that House Speaker Paul Ryan “should spend more time on balancing the budget, jobs and illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting Republican nominee.”’


19 Comments on Trump tells Paul Ryan to quit wasting time and mind The People’s business

  1. <<>>
    (YES, I’m intentionally appropriating the neo-Nazi’s use of “echo” things about Jews (except in prongs instead on parentheses) for GOPeers/RINOs

    THIS is the crevice created by an earthquake…a societal (political, cultural, economic) one.

    WE ARE *HERE.*
    THEY are the outsiders.

  2. This country is a a major crossroad.
    Yer either with the man who wants to make America great again or the Communist who wants to take us to Venezuela.
    There is no sitting on the fence!
    not to mention that it’s hard on the pussy…

  3. So the high falooting (emphasis on looting) GOPe,has a problem with gutter language? Well, fuck em. A man of the people, SHOULD talk like the people. Sorry, assholes. This isn’t disqualifying. You pig fucking’ douche humping’ dick grabbers need to realize. WE da people talk that way. Maybe not every day, and not in mixed company. But words are used. So if you sissy assed, nob gobbin, fuck wads have a problem with rough language… Tough shit!!! I/ We like Trump, because he DOESN’T talk like a politician. Get the fuck over it, Ya pussies!

  4. Ryan, Boehner Light, when has the people’s business ever been his priority?
    He’s a defeatist lightweight hand picked by the establishment GOP. The very same establishment GOP that has backed every Obama initiative and NEVER stood for the principles of or the rights of the majority of US Citizens.
    Leader my ass ! Ryan is a bought and paid for stooge……
    My apologies to the Three Stooges, may they Rest in Peace.

  5. Look Maynard, Trump is a Man’s Man. With all the piggishness you can imagine. He is what you call a ‘flawed hero’
    You saw how well the other direction you tried worked out. To quote Adam Corolla: “Mitt Romney doesn’t even drink Tea”
    I want a fighter. A man who will kick his opponent right in the face because that’s how you do it.
    Not somebody who will clutch the pearls on hearing about stuff like that in public, then hire it done.
    I want somebody who’s first impulse is to speak his mind.
    Trump is a guy who is capable of saying some cringeworthy stuff.
    But he won’t lie to your Mom over the flag draped on your coffin.

  6. Paul Ryan is about as substantial as a puff of smoke.

    Useless little pussy needs to be bitch slapped and I’d be happy to be the bitch to slap him.

    The GOPers have been trying to drum up some excuse to do exactly what they’re doing. Can’t believe they really think that we are as stupid as THEY ARE.

  7. From my experience with Boehner…if you write your Congress critter Rep and ask that house rep to dump Paul Ryan as speaker, he or she will eventually respond and tell you Ryan is the best qualified for the Speaker’s job. That is how they cover each other. IF you vote against them or no vote, you may well be putting a dhimmocrat in office which only makes things much worse. So no matter what course you choose, it’s unfavorable. Although that was the answer I got regarding Boehner, they did vote him out later, after more harm was done to us.

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