TRUMP: ‘What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago?’ – IOTW Report

TRUMP: ‘What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago?’

Daily Caller; President Donald Trump pointed to the need for immediate action regarding gun crime in Chicago, asking what the hell is going on in the city during his Friday speech on crime and immigration.

“What the hell is going on in Chicago? What the hell is happening there?” Trump said during a speech to local and state enforcement officer at the FBI Headquarters in Quantico, Va.

“In the last two years, America has seen a tragic rise in violent crime. In 2015 and 2016, we witnessed the steepest two year consecutive increase in murders in nearly half a century,” Trump said.

Chicago saw 762 homicides in 2016 — more than New York and Los Angeles combined, marking an incredible 57 percent increase from 2015.  more here

24 Comments on TRUMP: ‘What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago?’

  1. A great nickname for our beloved Mayor – Emanuel studied ballet seriously as a young man, and he was invited to study with the Joffrey Ballet. Local Radio has taken to calling him “Tiny Dancer”.

  2. It doesn’t take a Rhodes scholar to know the problems that have been present there. I had 34 years service there they just can’t admit that the people are the problem. Work in an all black district and you are profiling when you make an arrest. Work in a Hispanic area and you are profiling and so on. Police department now nearly run by all merit appointees as supervisors and have no clue as to what is going on and how to handle it. New State’s Attorney makes her own laws as what to and how to prosecute. Judges let people go constantly and then blame the police for the crime. Cook county jail run by Dart holds pizza parties for inmates. It is a total disaster and will continue to get worse.

  3. Tiny Dancer doesn’t care about Black on Black killings. Black lives don’t matter in Chicago. No matter what those votes are sewed up

    But those illegals sure do. Sanctuary city guarantees more votes for the morons who have destroyed Chicago

  4. @judgeroybean December 16, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    First: Welcome to America! I hope you enjoy your time with us.

    Second: A very brief bit of very recent history. We just lost our Chicago President. But we did elect and (re)elect him. Twice. America knows the Chicago Way. America likes the Chicago Way.

    Third: Hillary’s almost from Chicago. That’s why Hillary’s almost President. Just not quite Chicago enough.

  5. The predictable knee-jerk media/left anti-Trump reaction will be to circle the wagons and “defend” Chicago and its Democrat kingdom thereby doing exactly what Trump intended: putting a glaring spotlight on the horrendous crime/ murder Armageddon happening there..

  6. If you think about the politicians, unions, etc in Chicago government, you realize Al Capone was the best teacher they have ever had. And boy did they pay attention in class.

  7. What is going on? I’d speculate more than just one thing but one that I haven’t heard anyone mention in years is associated with the Fast and Furious scandal.

    Obama made a deal with the Sinaloa Cartel which has a strong footprint in Shitcago. He took sides in the Mexican drug war. He provided weapons to Sinaloa to win their war in Mexico and opened up markets in the US for them to sell their products.

    I know – it’s a Politifact link. One that rates Wayne LaPierre’s comments on the Sinaloa cartel working throuhg Chicago street gang as “half true” after they receive a confirmation from the DEA and contort enough to make Cirque de Soleil blush to get it down from God’s Honest Truth – to a grudging half true. There is no “half” other than they don’t want to believe it.

    He got to blame gun dealers in the US for the rise in crime and surely his drug buddies in Shitcago could use more cocaine and heroine.

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