Trump Will Try To Restart Yucca Mountain Nuke Repository – IOTW Report

Trump Will Try To Restart Yucca Mountain Nuke Repository

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was able to get Obama to scrap the Yucca Mountain as the nation’s nuclear waste repository for the next 10,000 years, but the Trump Administration has reportedly budgeted $120 million to get the licensing of the site underway again in the 2018 budget.

Status of Yucca Mountain today Here

Las Vegas mobilization of opposition Here

I think Yucca Mountain be a great tourist destination for Vegas to exploit.  I mean look at how popular Chernobyl has become and all that nuclear waste escaped years ago and contaminates everything for miles around the old plant.

20 Comments on Trump Will Try To Restart Yucca Mountain Nuke Repository

  1. “Yucca Mountain was chosen to store the HLW instead of two other alternatives – in Texas and Washington”

    Washington? The state or D.C. I say we store it in D.C.

  2. If we have to hide toxic waste, maybe we are doing something wrong.

    $20 billion/year the Dept. of Energy spends, which was Jimmy Carter’s idea to get us less dependent on foreign oil. How’s that ever worked out? That money could go into research of let’s say, hydrogen power.

  3. One original plan was to turn the waste into glass so it will be forever safe in that earthquake zone. Of course, nowadays, they’d probably have to build a nuclear power plant to supply power for that.

  4. So much disinformation on this SCARE TOPIC.
    I was shocked when I was a driver for Dave Brat and we toured a nuke plant that’s been online since the 60s. They showed us the encapsulated waste after 50 years and it wasn’t much. Less than an acre.

    Jane Fonda has brain washed many ordinarily sensible people on this. Yucca isn’t far from mom and sis. I wouldn’t fear for their safety.

  5. How ’bout we tell the mohammadmen that we have these holy black rocks that are so holy they simply glow. And we’ll sell them but they’ll be expensive. Hey, we can tell the Sunnis if they don’t buy we’ll sell to the Shias, and vice versa. We could make some serious coin here…

  6. That encapsulation technique used by Russia to deal with Chernobyl? Why not drop a massive steel pipe around the National New York Enquirer Times, so no one can escape, fill it up with our nuclear waste, and say “There now?” Win win. Waddya say?

  7. It’s about time. This is the most studied place on earth. It’s the safest place to store nuclear waste in America, and it has been held up for eight years by Harry Reid despite the law authorizing its use. God speed, President Donald J. Trump.

  8. Ive worked at the Nevada Test Site. Our camp was at Yucca Flat. Yes, that Yucca flat.

    Been all the way into the Yucca tunnel. Know the true story about the groundwater. Was privy to a lot of stuff.

    It’s embarrassing to hear of the ignorance from all sides.

    Bottom line…Yucca is safe. We wouldn’t be in this situation if Jimmy Carter hadn’t outlawed reprocessing plants.

    The French get 80+ % from nukes….but have almost no hi-level waste. Why is that?

    Oh, and you never heard of Reid and Nevada bitch when Yucca’s budget each year was 4 billion dollars. Yes…4,000,000,000..

    I’m all for a central repository instead of 72 individual sites. Which is what we have now. 1 at each nuke plant.

    When nukes started in America HLW was well known to happen…’s unburnt fuel. The gov’t promised them there would be a repository.

  9. @ACParker – I agree that the transportation hasn’t been given the attention it deserves. It is by far the biggest danger to those of us alive today. The repository people are focused almost exclusively on the calculated danger to those who will be around thousands and thousands of centuries.

    Hey! Maybe Über could do the transport for cheap!

  10. Anyone else see “The Bomb” on PBS last night?
    I recommend that you watch it.

    I was surprised that I knew a lot about the history of the nuclear age but I learned even more last night.

    For instance, how many nuclear test explosions have there been since 1945, worldwide?

    Nearly 1000! WTF!!!
    Not all of them were ours.

    Is it any wonder we don’t all look like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maxine Waters?

  11. @uncle al – i’ll disagree about the transportation aspect. They’ve designed casks that will withstand enormous hits of all kinds. Jet engines strapped on and fired into concrete abutments, etc.

    If i lived near a RR, i’d be far more worried about a tanker car of hydrochloric acid, or propane, or…..

    There may be some utube vids of the tests if you’re so inclined to search.

  12. I’ve toured that tunnel several times and absolutely support this repository. IMHO, this is an issue of national security. There is spent fuel sitting at sites all over the U.S. It belongs at the most secure facility in the U.S., not sitting at nuclear sites in the middle of communities of hundreds of thousands of people. These are TRUE targets– not the NNSS. Low-tech Harry Reid only had one issue to run on, and this was it.

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