Trump Wins NY Handily – Cruz Distant Third – IOTW Report

Trump Wins NY Handily – Cruz Distant Third

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70 Comments on Trump Wins NY Handily – Cruz Distant Third

  1. Oops my bad, that was the D side…the R side is 3,955 of 15,067 reporting…and I am assuming NYC has the fastest machines to report this stuff. Them dummies up north have the old equipment.

    Donald has 75% of NYC, Cruz has 75% of the people smart enough to not live in that liberal hell hole called NYC.

  2. Cripes, Menderman! Give it a rest. A fair and square primary, Trump garnered over 50% of the vote in ALL of New York. It’s not like Cruz or Kasich were close in any of the CD’s. Seattle is a bigger hell hole than NYC and we’re probably going to go over 50% for Trump here, too.

    I’m kind of surprised Cruz is shrinking in the polls, especially since he’s been telling voters about building a border wall.

  3. Even though liberal NY going his way was a given, he really needed this victory.
    Even with this and Rubio and Kasich siphoning off voters from Cruz, the gap between Cruz and Trump has been tightening. Even this win doesn’t bring Trump back up to being 200 ahead of Cruz.
    Looked at as a percentage of delegates, Cruz is still closing in.
    Trump needs to quit thinking Kasich is enough.
    He needs to learn the ground game and start closing deals like Cruz is or the GOP’s investment in him will have been a waste of time.

  4. The so called “ground game” narrative (talking point) coming from the Cruz campaign is run and paid for by his many super PACs with an assist from the GOP party insiders in each state. LMAO that Cruz’s followers actually believe it’s Cruz’s campaign that is running the show.

  5. I guess most of you peeps don’t follow the polls. April is not a Cruz month. He is slated to come in last in every single race. Donald and the Mailman’s son are splitting the races. Trump winning NY is a given, the 50% threshold is the key since Donald has not yet exceeded that in a single state, and failure to do so at home would be a hard hit. Make fun of Cruz losing (as predicted) in Donald’s house all you want, but be aware that the polls are pretty darn accurate, and Donald loses by double digits in the general…the very same polls Donald cherry picks to show how great he is.

  6. I remember Trump back on 9/11 during his interview at 7/11.
    He wasn’t helping dig anybody out, but he was claiming that the people doing it were doing it under his direction.
    Wasn’t he Mayor or president or something back then?
    Whatever, the whole city would have collapsed had he not taken over and directed the incompetent firefighters and paramedics and others involved.
    Anyway, Hillary winning more votes in NY than Trump proves there was no election fraud.

  7. Cruz’s recent delegate “landslides” count for nothing in the first round of voting — there are bound delegates that have to vote for the person who “won” them according to vote totals. So ridiculous and shameful how GOPe-ers are suddenly excited about playing the D’s Super Delegate game. It’s a Progressive’s game and counter to a conservative’s view of representational republicanism and the spirit of fair and square. Wining, dining, and goodies or threats, intimidation and personal destruction. If elections were a company, the players would be called “defendants.”

  8. So am I wrong or does the delicate count above not account for the 90 Trump just won. If that’s the case, which I believe it is, this web site and FOX News are mathamatically challenged. Not to mention a couple rabied Cruz fanatics that need all their digits to count to 20.

  9. Not according to what I’ve read Menderman. Any county or district that a Presidential candidate wins at 50% plus one take ALL the delegates. One of us is full of shit. I think it’s you.

  10. It’s a complicated system, that’s why in a close race, you need a ground game. Trump wants to be elected by popular vote, Cruz wants to win and knows the rules. Be careful if you side with Trump. Pure democracy is a scary thing.

  11. “Brad, you don’t win at Daytona by leading 499 laps, you win by leading the the 500th.”

    You can’t have it both ways slick. One way or the other. You choose. Got to give an Ada boy to the Cruz losers. Never give up. Like Geraldo says, that guy pegs the freak meter.

  12. @Billy — haaha! Just like Cruz uses all of Trump’s platform**, you’ve just lifted the “In your guts” line — “Ted Cruz: In your guts you know he’s nuts.”

    **Except the part about Super PAC funding, Corker Bill/TPA/TPP globalism, illegal amnesty, H1B visas and not knowing how to create a single job.

  13. Brad, if Trump raced at Daytona, and lead 251 laps and wasn’t declared the winner, he would say Daytona was a rigged system. Is it the other drivers fault that they know they only need to lead 1 lap to win?

    Actually, with Trump, Trump only needs to lead about 215 laps If Cruz leads only 200. Either Trump is stupid and doesn’t understand the rules, or he is out to destroy the Republican Party…IE: Appoint Queen Hiliary.

    Which is it Brad?

  14. I just watched Bill Hemroid on Fox News go through the delegate count scenario on his magic big as touch screen and they didn’t include New York Delegates. Is Menderman actually Bill Hemroid? Inquiring minds want to know.

  15. OK. I watched Trump’s speech. Something is different. Dare I say, presidential, but that’s not even the right word. I think the lying’ Ted bit is gone. Very determined and controlled- a no nonsense guy. His new team seems to be righting the ship.

    Cruz- meats and cheeses, dude! The preacher speechifying has got to stop. Really. He has that fake emphatic seriousness that Obama uses when he wants to appear “concerned and caring.” #FACEPALM

    WA state GOP is wrangling for Kasich. This means I’ll vote for Trump in the primary. There. I said it.

  16. Illustr8r. I pointed out that this shift would take place days ago after Paul Manafort said that Trump was switching characters from his Apprentice persona to a more presidential one. Paul said the transition would be easy for Trump as he is accustomed to acting.
    At least he is honest as to what Trump is.
    I know it won’t bother Trump supporters that what he was doing was an act, and they won’t ever question if the ‘new improved’ Trump is real or an act.

  17. Illustr8r — On the WA state situation, agreed. In the 36th, the majority of delegates elected went to Cruz and Kasich. I see Cruz as the spoiler/splitter who, if he messes things up too badly, will cause Kasich to believe he’s the annointed one — and he will be. A guy who won his home state. Can’t imagine President Kasich. How did your district do?

  18. “Brad, if Trump raced at Daytona, and lead 251 laps and wasn’t declared the winner, ”

    Trumps a 3, not an 88. Figure it out. By the way they don’t call the Daytona 500 for nothing.

  19. How many states has Cruz won where the electorate vote at the booth? Texas, Maine, and Wisc?

    I am not convinced Cruz could win anymore. The GOPe types backed him in caucus and convention states not for love, but to stop Trump.

    He out just like Kasich now, but he will continue to do the bidding of his masters.

  20. Trump speech: “It’s Nice to Win The Delegates With The Votes”

    Bing reporting: “Trump: 60.1% = 89 of 95 Delegates.

    Next month: “Cruz stole my delegates I won fair and square in NY.”

    Trumpsters will agree that Cruz stole the 40% of delegates The Donald did not win with the votes.

    You can’t fix stupid.

    And congrats to the Donald for winning, winning handily, and finally getting a majority!

  21. Trump would never race in the Daytona 500.
    Trump would host the Daytona 500, perhaps hire the “best” driver, complain the winner cheated when he lost, hit on the trophy girls, then file for bankruptcy when the sponsors left him because HE COULDN’T REIGN IN HIS DIARRHEA OF THE MOUTH.

  22. “And congrats to the Donald for winning, winning handily, and finally getting a majority!”

    You are delusional. When people get to vote, with the exception of the union members in Wisconsin, Trump wins. Every time. I mean really, can you count? Who’s ahead in delegates by 300?

  23. and if those terrorists won’t move from the race track location, Trump will order the military to ki….

    Nevermind, that’s not fair…no dictator would ever go so far as killing family members of bad guys…sorry I brought it up.

  24. I feel like I’m in high school again. Trump leads by 34% of the delegates so far. I only mention this because I know the “Freaks” fans are mathamatically impaired. This includes disanfranchising voters in Colorafo and Wyoming.

  25. TO Menderman + Loco

    Choose whatever metaphor you like…the word you’re looking for is SPOILER. That’s not a winner in my book.


    total delegates 2,472
    Trump 845 *
    Cruz 559
    Rubio 171
    Kasich 147
    Carson 8
    not yet assigned 68

    * Trump needs 58% of remaining available delegates (tough, but possible) to reach 1,237

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