Trump’s and Obama’s Statements on Castro’s Death Couldn’t Be Further Apart – IOTW Report

Trump’s and Obama’s Statements on Castro’s Death Couldn’t Be Further Apart


Complete bullsh*t on Obama’s part. One could read into it what they like. The spineless crapheel couldn’t take a stand and tell the truth about the brutal dictatorship, the death squads, the political prisoners,the oppression and totalitarianism.

Here’s Trump-

Exclamation point!

There was more 2 hours later-


ht/ kpark

It’s worth noting Marco Rubio’s statement-


20 Comments on Trump’s and Obama’s Statements on Castro’s Death Couldn’t Be Further Apart

  1. Li’l O is dressed up like the Nork woman who announced KJI’s death. Surprised he didn’t make a memorial contribution….wait, he already did, and is working on another one. Will Castro be like all ‘commie revolutionaries’ and put in a glass box?

  2. If communism was a valid political system it could coexist with freedom. Fidel proves not so much. Waiting for the conga line of frieiks and murderers who will line up to do homage at the funeral.

  3. Fidel Castro and his communist dictatorship would not have existed these many decades if JFK had shown a little of the same courage that the Cuban heroes of Brigade 2506 demonstrated at the Bay of Pigs. American Marines and Naval forces were standing by to assist the Cuban Freedom Fighters, but JFK and RFK ordered them to stand down. If the Marines had landed, Castro would have been defeated in a few weeks at the most. Think about it. No Cuban Missle Crisis. No Soviet bases in the Western Hemisphere. No Cuban support for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. No Muriel boat lift. Possibly no Lee Harvey Oswald in the School Book Depository. And no Sean Penn slathering at the feet of murderous dictatorships. In short, a free and prosperous and friendly Cuba for a neighbor all these years.

  4. Maobama cited “countless ways” in which Castro altered individuals, families, and the Cuban nation. I want him to name just three among the countless ways. It would be fascinating to see what he would list if he had to be specific.

    Our President cites no specifics of the suffering and death because, as a good Leftist, it’s the State and the Power it represents that matters, not the Individual. Instead, we only read that our nation and Cuba had some undefined political differences and HIS presidency chose to let bygones be bygones and just move forward because, in the end, we really all just want the same thing.

    I can’t wait for this 8-year-long nightmare to be over, because it’s NOT over yet.

  5. @Ted Nougat:

    Maobama cited “countless ways” in which Castro altered individuals, families, and the Cuban nation.

    Here are three ways Castro altered individuals, and by extension families and the Cuban nation:
    – He enslaved them
    – He tortured them
    – He murdered them

  6. It is worth noting that the Cuban government supports most, if not all, of the leftist terrorist/’revolutionaries’/drug cartels in Mexico, Central America, and South America. Cuba itself, receives support from China.

    I would be surprised if the Cubans are not intimately involved in both La Raza and Mecha – hispanic communist subversive organizations, run out of the chicano/ethnic/gender studies departments at universities in the USA.

  7. The Cuban people, and communist fellow-travelers around the World, will be crying crocodile tears over Satan’s sycophant.

    “The sheep look up and (still) are not fed …”

    izlamo delenda est …

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