Tucker Carlson Goes After “Uniparty” Senate Republicans – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Goes After “Uniparty” Senate Republicans


Oh, there’s so much that could be said about this… so much.  However, what Tucker Carlson outlines in this monologue is accurate insofar as it merely scratches the surface of the DeceptiCons in Washington DC. Watch

14 Comments on Tucker Carlson Goes After “Uniparty” Senate Republicans

  1. In 2004 it was obvious that the Republican establishment teamed with Democrats to steal the gubernatorial election for Chris Gregoire. That was a turning point for me. Since that day I have never given the Republican Party another thin dime and caution others to never trust them ever.

  2. “College educated white voters in urban areas, particularly middle aged women with unhappy personal lives. If you’ve got more than three cats, an NPR tote bag and wear a mask alone the car, you are all in. Everyone else is running away.”

    I live surrounded by the miserable fucking things and as they say, misery loves company. Of course they all think they should be allowed to decide for others how to run their lives, when they are solely responsible for turning everything in their own life to shit.

    They are a rotten, nasty pernicious element that society would be far better without.

  3. UNIPARTY has been well known to conservatives since 1962. When a sitting President and a future President teamed up to attack the conservative “EXTREMIST”. JFK and Tricky Dick” were successful; Barry lost big in ’64!

    Barry tried to be Ronny ; attacking JFK and Nixon with his infamous(for Bush Republicans)/famous for conservatives ,”Extremism in Defense of Liberty ….!

    GWB is not the first lefty GOPe to attack a conservative “extremist”!

    Carlson is totally right!

    But Barry was right 62 years ago.


    I was a Ronny Dem 60 years ago. Watched “THE SPEECH” . voted for Barry; and lost. WOULD DO IT AGAIN!

  4. I don’t know what’s going on with Tucker and his monologues of late would seem to counter the top echelon at Fox. With his viewership numbers and take no prisoners approach to the totality of Washington and State government I can’t imagine that he isn’t quick to become more reviled to the left than even Trump himself.

  5. And Joe McCarthy was right all along!
    Remember the good old days when we got paid for killing communists?
    We should have concentrated more on the “Domestic” variety, not the “Foreign” at the time.

  6. @DOC: “We should have concentrated more on the “Domestic” variety, not the “Foreign” at the time.”

    Hell DOC, if we had done that DC would be a ghost town.

  7. @ Doc JUNE 23, 2022 AT 4:31 PM

    I have posted this before. In the 1960s and into the 1970’s my mother referred to me as Bircher and a reactionary. I didn’t consider either to be a pejorative and quite took it as a complement. I didn’t look to that ratfucker Cronkite to validate my observations and could look all around me and see what the score was. What really pissed her off is when I said it was a total waste of American lives to defend the Goddamned atheistic Europeans and British against totalitarian rule being as that is what they aspire to anyway. She damn near ran the family car off the road when I called Archbishop Hunthausen a crackpot and a more likely than not a heretic.

  8. @JDHasty June 23, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    > College educated white voters in urban areas, particularly middle aged women

    > Of course they all think they should be allowed to decide for others how to run their lives, when they are solely responsible for turning everything in their own life to shit.

    But. They, are not.

    They “hire” an heroes. An heroes with guns. An heroes with the wherewithal to use those guns. To kill Americans. Steal their stuff. And split the take with “College educated white voters in urban areas”.

    Do you really think one… any one of them… will come out of “their” condominiums… swinging a cat like a sacrificial chicken… to take you down for your BadThink?

    That’s what loyal, patriot, an heroes are for.

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