Tucker Carlson: More Russia bombshell revelations to come? – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: More Russia bombshell revelations to come?

First it was collusion, now it’s just opposition research?




It was a bad week for Hillary Clinton and Democrats as revelations on their roles in the Trump dossier came to light and investigations began on the Obama-era Uranium One deal. Is this just the beginning?

14 Comments on Tucker Carlson: More Russia bombshell revelations to come?

  1. Hillary wants you to know that yesterday was the one year anniversary of Comey’s letter notifying Congress that the email investigation would be reopened. She retweeted Nate Silver: “Today is the 1-year anniversary of the Comey letter, which was probably decisive in the election.”

    A year from now, I hope she’s tweeting, “Today is the one year anniversary of the reopening of the Uranium One investigation, which was probably decisive in my incarceration.”

  2. This is one of the reasons I cut the cable 5 years ago. Who can stand listening to these lying, spinning demagogues interrupting and shouting over normal people asking a reasonable question.

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