Tucker Carlson on the Democrats’ FBI hypocrisy.
Tucker Carlson on the Democrats’ FBI hypocrisy.
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As I mentioned on another site, the FBI under Comey, McCabe, Mueller et al were bastions of the faith (except before Hillary lost). Now they are incompetent and manipulated by others. Hypocrisy thy name is Democrat Party!
Kavanaugh will be the deciding vote on the Supreme Court to confirm that Trump has the authority to activate: 1. National Emergency. 2. War powers under “The War on Terrorism”. 3. Marshal Law. 4. Mass arrests. 5. Military Tribunals. and 6: Executions and long jail terms.
That is exactly what the democrats are afraid of. We, are going to do to them, what they were planning on doing to us.
They are grossly miscalculating their popularity and are spoiling for a confrontation with all those who hold sacred the tradition and standards in this country. I think it may be close until that time comes. Those in leadership positions that bring this about will not escape the consequences. Were I them I wouldn’t count on much mercy.
@Mark S. McGrew: 3. Martial law. (Not to be confused with Marshal Dillon.)