Tucker Carlson Posts First Show on Twitter, Says Americans Are Now ‘the Least Informed People on Earth’ – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Posts First Show on Twitter, Says Americans Are Now ‘the Least Informed People on Earth’

American Greatness: Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson released the first episode of his Twitter show Tuesday evening, offering his commentary on the destruction of a major dam and hydroelectric power plant in Russian-occupied southern Ukraine.

Kyiv and Moscow blamed each other for the attack on the Nova Kakhovka dam Tuesday, which has prompted mass evacuations and fears of devastating flooding in the Kherson region.

Ukrainian military intelligence reportedly claimed Russian forces destroyed the structure “in panic,” while the Kremlin accused Ukraine of “deliberate sabotage.”

Is his Twitter monologue, Carlson said the culprit should be obvious to everyone but because the media feeds the American people regime-approved “pap in steaming, lumpy portions” day after day,” Americans are now “the least informed people on earth.”

“Your average yak herder in Tajikistan knows who blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline,” Carlson quipped, referring to the two underwater gas pipelines that exploded in the Baltic Sea in September 2022. That breach was also blamed on Russia. Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh exclusively reported in February that Joe Biden ordered a covert operation to destroy the pipelines, and it was carried out by the CIA. MORE HERE

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson Posts First Show on Twitter, Says Americans Are Now ‘the Least Informed People on Earth’

  1. Americans don’t want to know.

    Knowing demands action.
    Action demands getting up off one’s ass.
    Getting up off one’s ass demands sacrifice.

    It’s so much easier to sit back, sip a Bud Light, and let the World pass by – hopefully all the really bad shit will fall on our children and/or grandchildren – we’ll be safely dead and buried.

    We’re so apathetic we allow perverts in the White House, the Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, hunting among our children, in the schools, in the libraries, and in our churches, mosques, and synagogues. We’re so apathetic we accept the lies of our politicians, the Media, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, the DHS, and the Armed Forces with a shake of the head and a smirk – we KNOW that they’re all liars – we just can’t get up enough gumption to GAF. We’re so apathetic that we allow corrupt maggots in politics to steal our very lifeblood and send it to Ukraine in order to have the skim sent back. We’re so apathetic that the FED, through inflation turning us into some sick simulacrum of a country – similar to Zimbabwe or Cuba – doesn’t excite us a bit.

    We’re uninformed because we CHOOSE to be uninformed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Why does Tucker think the Ukes took out Nord Stream 2? We know who did it, and it wasn’t them.

    The one guy on the planted that has been right about this conflict from day one has been Scott Ritter.

    Here is his latest from last night, on the damn, the pipeline, the politics, and Ukriainan’s chances going forward;


    Small doses of Tucker are better than nothing, but I want full shows where he can extrapolate on more of the issues plaguing us today.


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