Tucker: Cuomo, de Blasio disregard First Amendment when suggesting latest shutdowns – IOTW Report

Tucker: Cuomo, de Blasio disregard First Amendment when suggesting latest shutdowns

14 Comments on Tucker: Cuomo, de Blasio disregard First Amendment when suggesting latest shutdowns

  1. I am starting to think all of us are being tested. To see if the American spirit still lives. If they conclude it doesn’t, with any kind of robustness, they’ll become more tyrannical.

  2. Gypsy Cuomo is the governor of the government. His job is to make sure other tax receivers follow the Constitution of NYS. He has no authority over me. I do nOT have to abide by his nonsensical rules. He needs to be forcibly removed

  3. Welcome to The New Communism of the 21st Century where deceit, disinformation and streaming, preposterous propaganda is the new “Truth” along with unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, high-handed, dictatorial “regulations” implemented by selective applications of the law solely based on whatever they think they can get away with, supported by the belief is that none of us on our own is as dumb as all of us combined! Strip away the glitz and high-tech polish of the complicit, bought & paid for, knee-pad Media and you find that it is not significantly different from the old 20th Century Communism. Come for the dictatorial control, stay for the public hangings.

  4. Per Cuomo, Trump is “literally Hitler”, but now Herr Cuomo says “if the Jews don’t follow my orders, I will shut down the synagogues.”

    And New Yorkers clap like seals.

  5. It is now an Established Fact that safety overides any constitutional protection.
    I.E. gun control and covid control.

    So we need to do something about black crime in this country and it’s going to mean blacks are going to be on lockdown. There is too much black crime.
    And we need to make homosexuality illegal because aids is still a killer.
    And we need to ban muslims from this country because of all the terrorism associated with islam.

    Safety overides any other ‘so-called’ constitutional rights. THAT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT.

    And until there is a republican that will stand up for our safety, screw the republican party.

  6. IF an elected official (a purported representative of the people) DEFIES THE LAW — after all, isn’t the US Constitution the SOURCE of ALL US law??? –,
    aren’t all bets off?

  7. @Mm – No I think you misunderstand b/c I was not clear. Politicians have periodically tested the American spirit since the beginning of the country. That is nothing new.

    What I meant was I get the feeling we are all subjects in some nationwide social psychology grad student’s extreme stress thesis experiment. That is funded by people like George Soros, Bill Gates, or a pool of über wealthy bastards, contributing to the funding, who believe because they have managed to acquire vast wealth they think they should rule the world. To them all of us are only lab rats in the maze. Something similar to the characters in the Saw movies.

    The politicians are mostly just eager observers of the experiment’s progress scheming to determine how they can exploit people’s reactions to gain more power. Perhaps not realizing they too are test subjects in the experiment that the über wealthy funders want to utilize as their more useful idiot puppets in their sick game.

  8. There is something very sinister happening in NY.
    First the fascists kill old people in nursing homes. Then Warren Wilhelm and Cuomo go after the Jews.

    When will they begin wearing armbands?


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