“Tushy” Contest Results – IOTW Report

“Tushy” Contest Results



(By the way, this was a record-breaking amount of comments for one thread. 866. Nice going.)

First, the Honorable Mentions!

In the Musical category:
The sound of tushy – Menderman
Little shop of tushies- Uncle Al
Willy Wonka and the tushy factory- Meerkat Brzezinksi

In the Horror category:
The tushies have eyes – BFH
Rosemary’s tushy – Meerkat Brzezinksi
Soylent tushy- LocoBlancoSaltine

In the Sci-Fi category:
ET The extra tushy- Ricky
A boy and his tushy- Bad_Brad

In the Action category:
Enter the tushy- IronyCurtain
A fistful of tushies- Jimmy
Pirates of the tushie- Freeman
Lethal tushy- Claudia
Raiders of the lost tushy- Menderman
Tushy is bleeding- BFH

In the These Will Annoy the SJW’s category:
The dark tushy rises- 99th Squad Leader
The creature from the black tushy- BFH
A raisin in the tushy- BFH
Do the right tushy- Seaoh
A dry white tushy- Eugenia
Minority tushy- RickeyG
Single White tushy- SineWavell
Straight Outta Tushy- LocoBlancoSaltine

In the Comedy category:
My big fat Greek tushy- Tracy
Bubba Ho-Tushy – Ricky
Please don’t eat the tushies- BFH
Trading tushies- Menderman
How I learned to stop worrying and love the tushy- Dapenguin
Throw tushy from the train- Freeman
The shakiest tushy in the west- Dapenguin
Blazing tushy- Menderman
Tushy got fingered – BFH

In the Drama category:
50 Shades of tushy- Czar of Defenestration
O tushy where art thou?- 99th Squad Leader
They shoot tushies, don’t they? – Dapenguin
Tushy on a hot tin roof- Dapenguin
Splendor in the tushy- Lazlo
Bang the tushy slowly- LadyGun12
It’s a wonderful tushy- Menderman
Gentlemen don’t eat tushies- Unruly Refugee
Raging tushy- Vietvet

And the winner is:

Scent of a Tushy – Ricky



Ricky, email bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com to claim your

Keith Memorial Safety Whistle, courtesy of Menderman.

(Menderman has also provided, packaging and shipping costs. Thank you, sir!)

17 Comments on “Tushy” Contest Results

  1. Menderman, BFH, and especially Mary Jane for going through all those submissions, a great job, a new record, and thanks to you all for a fun contest! And congratulations to Ricky! IOTWReport rules!

  2. I have tears of joy running down my cheeks right now. Keith would have so much enjoyed this contest! He loved a nice tushy! Thank you so much MJA for the fantastically funny contest! Thank all the iOTWr readers and contributes for adding you funny titles! As I type, I am watching some T’pol tushy. Life is good! Thanks again every body and be sure to enjoy some Blazzing Tushy!!!

    and Keith loved this intro…listen in and you will understand…



    and make sure future contests are just as happy as this one was!

  3. “Ricky’s Tushy Win’s”, wait that doesn’t sound right, “The winner is Ricky’s tushy”, uhhh, “The tushy proposition that was Ricky’s is selected as most desirable” . There, I knew I would get it right!

  4. Woo hoo! A very fun contest and congratulations to Ricky.
    Confession – A Dry White (Season) Tushy was DH’s idea so he will be happy for the ‘Annoy the SJW’s’ category recognition.

    Thanks MJA and thanks to all for the tushy wobbling laughs.

  5. The contest was more fun than a barrel of tushies. Wait, that may be too bizarre.
    Great idea for a contest, MJA. Love the categories – humbled to be in a couple and glad to have participated to honor Menderman’s brother.
    Congrats Ricky!

  6. Love the categories. There were so many comments, my internet browser would lock up and quit responding every time I reloaded the page. Slow internet service. Never seen anything like it. Great contest!! Very funny stuff!

    Thank you MJA! And Thank you Menderman!

    Congratulations Ricky!

  7. I din’t make an entry … you could look it up … but I think I deserve a prize, too … a tushy prize … heh, heh … aww, c’mon … Barry got the Noble … I ain’t got shit … well, they did give me some ice cream … but that ain’t the same … y’know?

    This could really be a Big Fuckin Deal!

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