Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined, FBI Report Shows – IOTW Report

Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined, FBI Report Shows

Neon Nettle– Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data deals blow to Democrats’ anti-gun agenda.

More than twice as many people have been killed in America with knives than were killed with rifles and shotguns combined, a new report released by the FBI shows.

New data published by the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) shows the staggering number of people killed with knives across the United States – an issue seemingly underreported in the American corporate media.

In 2021, 203 people were killed with shotguns and another 454 were killed with rifles, for a total of 657 deaths, the UCR shows.

However, the same FBI report shows that 1,732 people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments.”

The number is way over twice as many deaths that were caused with shotguns and rifles combined. MORE

19 Comments on Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined, FBI Report Shows

  1. Outlaw guns all you want, most cogent folks already have them.
    F.. yourself, political class.
    Just keep digging down until we’re at chaos level then you’ll reap what you sow. All the wealth you’ve stolen will do you no good at all.

  2. It has always been a lie.
    The point is disarmament. A disarmed populace is a subject populace.
    When Chicago passed their draconian “assault rifle – gun control” measures, more people had been killed with GOLF CLUBS than with “assault rifles.”
    (Jeremiah O’Leary – you could look it up)

    Liars lie. Deceivers deceive. And totalitarians demand TOTAL control.
    Only fools and sheeple march to that drum.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Don’t believe this, must be a republican sponsored report. I pay attention to every once in a while to all the SHOOTINGS in Chicago, thats right shootings with guns, What dumb ass would bring a knife to a gun fight unless he has a death wish. So, 2 thumbs down bogus report.
    Not happening in Chicago, it’s all guns baby. Next.

  4. The entire point of gun control is to prevent you from protecting yourself from some asshole who wants to stab you to death. The plebs have no right to self-defense.

  5. Brad, Nice Stuff!

    I Can’t keep a fixed blade on my hip (with leather sheath) at work doing service calls. It’s the city, full of Citiots thing.

    Also, Recall, the North boarder you share with Canuckistan is STILL CLOSED. I am Persona Non Grata. But there are plenty of Israeli trainers up here.

    At work I use my benchmade Rift or Griptillian. (prying sometimes)

    At home I keep a Spyderco Para 2 in pocket.

    Out casual I like The Para 3. (smaller)

    Cheers, have a good work out Tomorrow!
    I’m going mountain biking again Sat & Sunday, as I have not face kissed a tree in a while and I’m about due for a crash soon.

    thank you.

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