Twitter Destroys Hillary Over Tweet Claiming She Wrote Letters to NASA as a ‘Little Girl’ – IOTW Report

Twitter Destroys Hillary Over Tweet Claiming She Wrote Letters to NASA as a ‘Little Girl’


When will politicians stop with the sappy, phony pandering “feel good” stories? Stop trying to pretend you’re human, it doesn’t work. We all know you’re demon spawns, roaming the earth, feeding off the souls of the innocent.

Case in point – Hillary’s attempt to “honor” the first all-women space walk turned into a complete and total disaster on Twitter, when she told a “tall tale” about how she wrote letters to NASA as a “little girl” telling them she wanted to be an astronaut.


Twitter Destroys Hillary Over Tweet Claiming She Wrote Letters to NASA as a ‘Little Girl’ 

When will politicians stop with the sappy, phony pandering “feel good” stories? Stop trying to pretend you’re human, it doesn’t work. We all know you’re demon spawns, roaming the earth, feeding off the souls of the innocent.

When will politicians stop with the sappy, phony pandering “feel good” stories?

Case in point – Hillary’s attempt to “honor” the first all-women space walk turned into a complete and total disaster on Twitter, when she told a “tall tale” about how she wrote letters to NASA as a “little girl” telling them she wanted to be an astronaut.

She said she got a letter back that said they weren’t taking girls. 🙄

That’s stupid enough as it is, but things actually got worse for Hillary when Twitter users called her bluff on the “little girl” lie.

Alexander J.A Cortes

You were born in 1947, NASA wasn’t formed until 1958 and we didn’t have an astronaut in space until until 1962 when you were 15 years old.

You didn’t write a letter to NASA when you were a little girl and you should definitely stop drunk tweeting.

ht/ fdr in hell

36 Comments on Twitter Destroys Hillary Over Tweet Claiming She Wrote Letters to NASA as a ‘Little Girl’

  1. Don’t blame her….her mother named her after Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt Everest

    She told us that one too….her mother must have had a premonition because he scaled the mountain a few years after she was born, 1953 when she was 6 years old

  2. She told an audience in NZ right after Billy-Bob-Rapist was sworn in as Prez and made one of their first international trips that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. She was born in ’47. Sir Edmund didn’t become famous until ’53. She was and is an eternal clying lunt.

  3. You are witnessing blatant lies as a byproduct of The Coveted Clinton Pass.

    Factcheckers have a permanent blindspot when it comes to her.

    Trump accuses Hunter Biden of corruption “without evidence” they intone.

    Where’s the NASA letter? Where’s the evidence of Russian Agents Stein and Gabbard?

  4. So, did you make this story up before or after you made this one up?

    “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

  5. Hillary, you’re a grown woman. It’s time to accept that you lost the election in ‘16. You think you’re this savvy, witty, exceptional person. I’m telling you the ugly truth: no one respects you. Every time you tweet or say something, it’s received with contempt & derision by those outside your bubble. You have been reduced to a laughingstock. Get out of public view permanently. Please.

  6. And then there was the time she tried to join the Marines in 1975…

    “He looks at me and goes, ‘Um, how old are you. And I said, ‘Well I am 26, I will be 27.’ And he goes, ‘Well, that is kind of old for us.’ And then he says to me, and this is what gets me, ‘Maybe the dogs will take you,’ meaning the Army.”–Hillary, lying in 2015

  7. F4UCorsair,

    It is yours. Make T-shirts.

    Corsair, one of the most beautiful planes that ever flew. I know that everyone loves the P-51 but I really love the P-47 and the Corsair.

  8. Thirdtwin–Yah. Planet Hillary. Yikes.

    I never really understood Dune. And I don’t know if I want to. I walked in the room when the family was watching that scene and never went back in. Ugh. Creepy. But I see Hillary in her big blue tent dress being yanked up into the air and floating around, covered in boils and sucking out people’s life forces. Yeah. Definitely a good photoshop/meme!

  9. Hillary was never a “little girl”… she was pooped out of Satan’s anus as a teenager.

    Bill Clinton said, in a 1990 interview, “I’ve gotten used to the smell of sulfur.”


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