Twitter Staffer Who Announced Trump Censorship Used to Work for Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Twitter Staffer Who Announced Trump Censorship Used to Work for Kamala Harris

PJM: On Wednesday, Twitter deleted a Trump campaign video showing President Donald Trump saying that children are “almost immune” from COVID-19, claiming that the president’s claim was “misinformation,” even though children face much less risk for the coronavirus than adults. Facebook had deleted the video earlier on Wednesday. Suspicions of political bias appeared confirmed yet again by a connection between the Twitter staffer who announced the Trump censorship and a former Democratic presidential candidate who may become Joe Biden’s running mate. more here

5 Comments on Twitter Staffer Who Announced Trump Censorship Used to Work for Kamala Harris

  1. That makes sense.

    It is high time Congress declares these tech giants publishers so they can be sued for libel when they cross that line. Oh, and they can get taxed as a publisher instead of a platform.

  2. @Pelopidas – Yes it is, but unless the GOP can retake the House, it will not happen. Even if they do, it might not happen

    This brings me to: support GOP candidates. Get out there, donate to campaigns, whatever it takes, otherwise, we have another 2 years of Nan running the show


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