Two Journalists Once Detailed Asking Their Female Employees For BJs – IOTW Report

Two Journalists Once Detailed Asking Their Female Employees For BJs

Daily Caller: Two prominent journalists once chronicled their time working in Russia in a novel, including alleged tales of statutory rape and asking their female coworkers to perform fellatio on them.

In a time where powerful men are facing accusations of sexual harassment, reports of misconduct and crude quotes from former interviews by Rolling Stone contributor Matt Taibbi and writer Mark Ames have resurfaced throughout the internet.

Taibbi and Ames wrote a book together, entitled “The Exile: Sex, Drugs, and Libel in the New Russia” that chronicled how they created their biweekly tabloid “The eXile” while in Russia and how they chased down their biggest stories. Taibbi has said the book is satire, but it contains a note at the beginning saying it is a non-fiction work based on true events in which some people have had their names changed.

The book contains some troubling passages about the way the men treated their female counterparts, namely one example in which Ames describes a coworker asking the two writers to stop trying to force the female employees to give them blow jobs while at work.  MORE

17 Comments on Two Journalists Once Detailed Asking Their Female Employees For BJs


    Sorry, but men have moments of weakness, and woman like to exaggerate and make up cliques to gossip about people and create alliances.

    Every place I’ve ever worked with at least 1/2 woman, was like Jr. High all over again.

  2. I think woman’s groups as well as SJW of all genders ought to strip the flesh from these two mysogynistic pigs who boasted of their corruption and degradation of women then lied about it in an attempt to escape the riteous wrath of females everywhere. Give me a sec though, so I can get my popcorn.

  3. Taibbi has always been a scumbag smear merchant. Going back, well, since he scrawled “fart” on the glass of the test tube he was hatched in.

    But he had the correct leftwing opinions so he was allowed to fail up.

    Just for the record, here’s Taibbi’s Rolling Stone piece when Andrew Breitbart died:

    “So Andrew Breitbart is dead. Here’s what I have to say to that, and I’m sure Breitbart himself would have respected this reaction: Good! Fuck him. I couldn’t be happier that he’s dead.”

    He’s a drug addled communist traitor whose teeth should have bitten a curb a long time ago.

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