TX Law Enforcement Volunteer To Form ‘Border Brotherhood’ To Regulate Immigration – IOTW Report

TX Law Enforcement Volunteer To Form ‘Border Brotherhood’ To Regulate Immigration

CBS Houston

Brooks County, Texas (CBS HOUSTON) – Law enforcement officers from several Texas counties have banded together to form a “Border Brotherhood” who volunteer without pay to help enforce U.S. border laws in counties where there are too few deputies to regulate the ongoing flow of illegal immigrants crossing over from Mexico.

Chasing immigrants and human traffickers on foot and in high-speed pursuits, Chief Daniel Walden has helped form what he calls the “Border Brotherhood” to assist law enforcement officers in Brooks County — 80 miles from his own school district in Donna, Texas – to help curb human smuggling and illegal immigration,KENS-TV reports.

The bodies of more than 40 immigrants who were dropped off on the thousands of acres of ranch land have already been recovered this year.

Walden and a dozen other peace officers from across Texas have volunteered to donate their time and law enforcement badges to help Brooks County regulate the ongoing border crisis. According to KENS, Brooks County is one of the poorest counties in the U.S., with only enough funding for four deputies – or one deputy on duty each day. Making matters worse, Brooks County extends along a large stretch of land that is one of the final border checkpoints into the U.S.



4 Comments on TX Law Enforcement Volunteer To Form ‘Border Brotherhood’ To Regulate Immigration

  1. Remember the minutemen? The MSM made that a dirty word. They are really going to be pissed that they worked so hard to glorify the word “brotherhood” for muslims, and now they have to trash it because of h8ters.

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