U.S Coast Guard Unloads $1 Billion in Seized Cocaine in San Diego (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

U.S Coast Guard Unloads $1 Billion in Seized Cocaine in San Diego (VIDEO)

Yes, but border security is racist!

American Power: At the San Diego Union-Tribune, “$1 BILLION of cocaine unloaded in San Diego“:

coccaine bust

The crew of the USCG Stratton unloaded 34-tons of cocaine that it brought to San Diego after a four month operation in the Eastern Pacific off the coast of Central and South America involving the US Navy, DEA and other partner agencies. 39 seperate seizures from fishing boats, pangas and a few semi-submersibles yielded the large quantity of contraband. Officials put the wholesale value of the drugs at $1 billion.  MORE

6 Comments on U.S Coast Guard Unloads $1 Billion in Seized Cocaine in San Diego (VIDEO)

  1. just another example of government inefficiency.
    the cia contracts to have it produced and smuggled to the usa to be remade into crack in order to further destroy the black family and the stupid coast guard goes and interdicts the shipment and destroys it.

    didn’t the coast guard get the memo?

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