U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry blasted proponents of the Green New Deal – IOTW Report

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry blasted proponents of the Green New Deal

DC: U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry blasted proponents of the Green New Deal as “a bunch of kids who’ve never been on the playground before.”

The former Texas governor’s comments came during a wide-ranging policy discussion on Fox News host Brian Kilmeade’s radio show Thursday.

“This is a bunch of kids who’ve never been on the playground before, they’ve never even been on the field of play before,” Perry told Kilmeade when asked about the plan. “They’re sitting on the sidelines and they’re saying, ‘Here’s what I can do. Let’s do this, zero emissions in 10 years. Alright let’s all go do that.’ Not having any idea the cost of that. The Green New Deal, $93 trillion dollars. Brian, this, on its face, makes it a fantasy …”  more here

7 Comments on U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry blasted proponents of the Green New Deal

  1. Secretary Perry underestimates them.
    They don’t care about “emissions” or “costs” or any other thing of that nature.

    This is the same old ploy of the totalitarian: The Third Kingdom, The Utopia, just around the corner, just around the next bend, just across the next divide – all that’s necessary is that all power be placed into a certain pair of hands – and this Paradise on Earth will follow.

    To extricate France from the horrors of “The Revolution” and Robespierre’s guillotines, all that was necessary was endowing that Corsican with Imperium.

    To save Russia from the depredations of the Czars, all that was necessary was to put all power into the hands of that flowery-tongued lawyer.

    All that was necessary to save the Soviet Union from the disintegrating influences of Trotsky-ism and the West was to anoint that failed seminarian supreme ruler.

    All that was necessary to save Germany from the humiliations of Versailles was to elect that Viennese paper-hanging artist.

    And all we need to cure all the ills of this corrupt world is to cede all power to an ignorant bartender.

    Children? Children, my ass.
    Demons is more like it.
    Mephistopheles couldn’t have devised a more pernicious scheme – throw out common sense – abandon mathematics – politicize “science” – tax those who work to pay those “unwilling” to work – and place the nuclear arsenal in the hands of one who can’t connect two thoughts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Their platform is exactly what you would expect to hear from a child if asked how to save the country. Silly unrealistic ideas that are devoid of any serious thought. Spouting platitudes is the sum of it. It does more to point out the lack of engagement of voters.

  3. They may seem like kids but they are the cool kids right now and we have to fight back. They have backing from someone and a following of ignorant, indoctrinated kids who think everything they say is great,

    We ignore her at our own peril because right now she seems to be right about one thing – “she’s the boss” and she’s threatening her colleagues who don’t go along with her .

  4. @ Mr. Tim- Rick Perry isn’t underestimating them. He’s keeping his mouth shut. Play your cards close to your chest. Your passion is headed in the right direction, though.


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