UK: Conservatives Pass Voter ID Legislation, Electoral Reform, Liberals Declare Democracy is Dead – IOTW Report

UK: Conservatives Pass Voter ID Legislation, Electoral Reform, Liberals Declare Democracy is Dead


The British Parliament has passed the new Elections Act, designed to introduce voter ID, along with more stringent anti-fraud measures. Unsurprisingly, liberals online have declared that democracy in the UK is now non-functioning.

The act, which received Royal Assent on Thursday before the end of the Parliamentary session, will now require photographic identification for anyone who wants to vote. Previously no identification was required, only to give your name and address at the ballot box.

Voter ID was not the only measure instituted with the act. New systems were introduced to prevent ballot harvesting via mail-in ballots, and introduced parliamentary oversight onto the Electoral Commission, which currently oversees British elections, and has done so since 2001.

“It is paramount we protect the integrity of our ballot, so our elections remain secure for generations to come,” said Kemi Badenoch MP, the Minister for Equalities and Levelling Up Communities. “Royal Assent now means we can eliminate election fraud and make elections more inclusive, ensuring that everyone who is eligible to vote will continue to have the opportunity to do so.” more here

5 Comments on UK: Conservatives Pass Voter ID Legislation, Electoral Reform, Liberals Declare Democracy is Dead

  1. I truly loath these idiots that spout on about ‘democracy! democracy!’, as if they even understood the definition

    true, direct democracy hasn’t happend since about the 5th century BC (Switzerland comes close w/ their local governments)

    “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner” ~ Winston Churchill … or maybe, Ben Franklin

  2. I need a card (license) to drive.
    I need a card (credit) to purchase things.
    I need a card to get savings at the grocery store.
    I need a card to get savings at the gas station.
    I need a card (insurance) to go to the doctor.
    We all should have a card to have one vote per office in a state or federal election!

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