UK: ‘Violent Predatory Rapist’ Refugee Roamed by Train Assaulting Women – IOTW Report

UK: ‘Violent Predatory Rapist’ Refugee Roamed by Train Assaulting Women

Breitbart Europe:

A “violent predatory rapist” who came to the United Kingdom from Ethiopia as a refugee has been convicted for roaming the country by train assaulting women.

Temesgen Desta, 32, throttled a 54-year-old woman on a beach in Crosby, Merseyside and attempted to rape her, then took a train to Birmingham and broke into a businesswoman’s city apartment just hours later, according to a report in the left-wing Mirror.

As in his Crosby attack, Destat seized the Birmingham woman by the throat, forcing her into a bedroom and threatening that he had a knife, tying her up with a bathrobe cord and a telephone cable after he had carried out his attack and trapping her inside the room with a chair.

It took her almost an hour to free herself and seek help from a concierge, with her hands still tied.

Incredibly, the migrant had been imprisoned for hurling racist abuse at security staff while carrying a knife just last year, but the authorities failed to detain and deport him after his brief stint in custody. read more

15 Comments on UK: ‘Violent Predatory Rapist’ Refugee Roamed by Train Assaulting Women

  1. And they are bringing the African Savages
    here to Austin,Tx 3 luxury tour buses
    at a time…If you have ANY females in your
    home they need to lectured & grilled about the
    dangers of these savages and how to avoid being
    a victim.

  2. “If you have ANY females in your
    home they need to lectured & grilled about the
    dangers of these savages and how to avoid being
    a victim.”

    And taught how to use and carry a gun as well, if they are old enough, or have one in their home to use if CC isn’t permitted.

  3. I say! Isn’t this gentleman related to the distinguished Desta family from Merseyside? They were noted for their generosity and public service in the old days before the country was overwhelmed by savages from all those former colonies. This fellow must be one of the black sheep that the family always hid from visitors. I’m sure this will prove to be one of those unfortunate mistakes brought about by the amazing similarity of this man to the savages that are being misunderstood for practicing their native mating rituals.

  4. The UK has always been home to some of the most twisted criminals throughout history. The Cambridge Rapist, the Yorkshire Slasher and the Peterbrough Ditch Killer are just a few that come to mind from recent history.

  5. Judge: “There is no alternative sentence that would provide protection to the public and therefore this court must impose a sentence of life imprisonment.”

    I don’t know about that judge; I can think of a very simple, cost effective and permanent alternative…

  6. The American response to the US collapse is to deny that the USA is decaying, praise their beloved government overlords, and attack anyone who criticizes the government.

    Americans simply seem unable to recognize cause and effect.

    If the government destroys the economy with regulations, Americans slam private charities that help the homeless.

    If gas prices rise because the government increased gas taxes, Americans blame oil companies.

    If the government bans coal power plants and mandates that everyone buy electric cars, Americans blame electric companies.

    If the Gestapo arrest someone for smoking at Burger King, Americans blame Burger King.

    If the government fails to protect the border, Americans criticize a nonprofit that tries to construct a private border wall.

    When the US starts wars that lead to refugees, Americans attack churches that help house the refugees.

    When the NSA unconstitutionally wiretaps Americans 24/7, Americans criticize Google.

    When the government starts a trade war that reduces US exports and raises prices, Americans criticize China.

    When the government uses asset forfeiture, Americans attack the ACLU for suing the government.

    When the government steals money at the point of a gun from taxpayers to fund food stamps, Americans attack Walmart for selling food that helps lazy people become fat.

    Americans absolutely don’t care that the government has outlawed everything, but Americans become batshit insane when they hear that private prisons have government contracts to lock people up.

    Americans don’t mind that regulations have destroyed the economy and has lead to homelessness, but Americans lose their minds that the Gestapo don’t arrest the homeless for public urination.

    Americans don’t care that female circumcision is illegal, but Americans become outraged when they find out that male circumcision is legal.

    Americans don’t mind if they are forced to have an ID to buy a gun, but Americans become livid with rage that you aren’t required to have an ID to vote.

    Americans don’t care if taxes are high if wetbacks are deported.


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