Ukraine’s New TV Star President Off To A Bold Start – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s New TV Star President Off To A Bold Start

Volodymyr Zelenskiy was no sooner sworn in as president when he dissolved Ukraine’s parliament forcing a snap election to follow up his overwhelming victory that swept the TV star into office.

Zelenskiy did give parliament a chance to adopt anti-corruption measures and to fire the sitting defense minister, Stepan Poltorak. Poltorak later resigned on his own after the president called for the entire cabinet to step down to “free the spot for people who will think about the future generations, not about the future elections.”

The new president concluded his address to parliament by vowing ““Throughout all of my life, I tried to do everything to make Ukrainians laugh,” he said with a smile. “In the next five years I will do everything, Ukrainians, so that you don’t cry.” More

4 Comments on Ukraine’s New TV Star President Off To A Bold Start

  1. “………..people who will think about the future generations, not about the future elections.”

    I like that. It’s a good question to ask about anyone coming up for (re)election.


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