UPDATE: Ukraine Elects Comedian As President – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Ukraine Elects Comedian As President

Ukraine is holding a final election today between the incumbent president, Petro Poroshensko and a comedian and political novice, Volodmyr Zelensky.

Zelensky isn’t a complete unknown to voters in the economically stagnate former soviet republic, he plays the president of Ukraine on television and he’s leading in the polls. More

UPDATE: It appears to be a landslide for Zelensky, winning a 75% to Poroshensko’s 25%. More

10 Comments on UPDATE: Ukraine Elects Comedian As President

  1. “… May Elect A Comedian For President

    We did that one better already. We elected a JOKE as President back in ’08, even if it WAS a black joke filled with dark humor…


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