Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West – IOTW Report

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West


A Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian radar station that can track nuclear missiles has sparked alarm in the West.

Kyiv hit the Armavir radar station in the Krasnodar border region on May 23, damaging the state-of-the-art facility, which provides conventional air-defence as well as forming part of Moscow’s nuclear warning system.

Ukrainian officials confirmed on Saturday that their forces had carried out the strike, saying the facility monitors airspace over the country and occupied Crimea.

The radar station has reportedly been able to track long-range Atacms missiles, delivered by the US to Ukraine earlier this year.

Mauro Gilli, a senior researcher at the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, said the drone strike had been a tactical success because it will force Russia to redeploy air defence systems and it also put down a marker that no Russian military site was untouchable.

“We can debate the effectiveness and merit but strategically there is logic,” he said.

Other Western analysts, though, were more hesitant and said that Ukraine should avoid striking Russia’s nuclear infrastructure. more

11 Comments on Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West

  1. Biden and his merry band of hlfwits is going to get us all killed and for what?

    MONEY, that’s what. Covering up the Biden’s taking $$$ from the Ukes, “esteemed politicians” hauling in war machine cash, and senior officials/military officers angling for defense contractor boardroom seats.

  2. Why no one has assassinated that little pipsqueak warmongering murderous giga-scale kleptocrat Zelenskyyyy I just can’t fathom. It would be so easy to make it look like a failed coup.

  3. Can’t stand that possum faced zelinski.(sp) I don’t understand why Russia is the problem when they fought in WW2 to help defeat the Nazis and actually lost more men then we did. I guess I missed that class in school.

  4. Is martial law and suspending an election really worth annihilation???
    Yes, these imbeciles really are that stoopid!
    Apparently they think White skin absorbs radiation burns more readily!

  5. WE destroyed the Nordstream Pipeline and now WE destroyed a Russian nuclear and conventional missile DEFENSE facility but Putin is the bad guy?

    I want to see Victoria Nuland in a straitjacket and a mouthgag and Congressional criminal vermin like Lindsey Graham hanging by their underwear from a coathook.


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