UN Human Rights Report Shows Ukraine Military Used Nursing Home Residents as Human Shields – IOTW Report

UN Human Rights Report Shows Ukraine Military Used Nursing Home Residents as Human Shields


A quietly released study from the U.N. Human Rights Commissioner [See Here pdf] looking into allegations of war crimes conducted during the Ukraine -vs- Russia conflict, specifically looked into allegations of Russian military targeting a nursing home facility in the eastern region of Luhansk.

What the UN investigation revealed was that Ukraine military soldiers had intentionally used the nursing home as an active base to launch military strikes against Russian forces. The Associated Press was forced to reveal, “Ukraine’s armed forces bear a large, and perhaps equal, share of the blame for what happened in Stara Krasnyanka, which is about 580 kilometers (360 miles) southeast of Kyiv. A few days before the attack, Ukrainian soldiers took up positions inside the nursing home, effectively making the building a target.” more

9 Comments on UN Human Rights Report Shows Ukraine Military Used Nursing Home Residents as Human Shields

  1. Green T-shirt Man has consolidated all TV platforms in Ukraine into one state broadcast and restricted political rivals.

    Just curious, wasn’t there some guys in Germany back in the 30’s that did the same thing?

  2. Saw a documentary movie about this several months ago; too, the murder of the eastern Ukes by the western Ukes and (((Fearless Leader Z))) has been in progress since 2014 …but Russia is ‘wrong’ to defend the east.

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