Uncancelable – IOTW Report


13 Comments on Uncancelable

  1. That interview sums up the progressive motivation in total. It’s all about the ends justify the means. They want attention and how they get it is immaterial to them. Attention from the world. They just want to be somebody. God promised them everything, but that isn’t good enough for them. They want more, they want the place in the grand scheme of things that God occupies. They are demonstrably unqualified to manage their own lives, but they think they have what it takes to set up and run a Utopia. Fucking arrogant pieces of shit.

  2. What a loveable loon Ozzy is. And I believe there is a nugget of truth to what he says. Sure it’s abstract thinking, but it takes both the abstract and the logical to make advancements in most any endeavor.

  3. I have a problem with canceling. If I hear this interview and decide for myself, I don’t care to listen to his music because I feel he is a moron; that is my decision. Someone else telling me I should stop listening to his music because they are offended offends me.

  4. Just heard over the radio that the husband of Donna Summer filed a lawsuit against Kanye West for using a sample of her “I Feel Love” hit without permission of her estate which didn’t want to have anything to do with Kanye West .

  5. West asked permission to use Summer’s song; they said no. He did it anyway by tweaking the tune a bit, using a different vocalist to sing it, and that’s supposed to be ok?

    Something is wrong with West.

    But I’m not telling anyone to cancel him or anyone else! In fact, if you want to drink Bud Lite, go ahead. What we stand for as conservatives is our own choices. If we demand others make the same choices we make, we are no better than the left with their cancel culture.


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