Undercover Video: NYT IT Consultant Agrees Paper Unfairly Reports on Trump – IOTW Report

Undercover Video: NYT IT Consultant Agrees Paper Unfairly Reports on Trump

Legal Insurrection:

“They hate him like the plague, dude.”

Project Veritas dropped another video in its investigation into The New York Times, this time catching IT consultant Todd Gordon admitting that the paper unfairly reports on and hates President Donald Trump.

These same sentiments were expressed in the previous videos. In the first video of the series, Audience Strategy Editor Nicholas Dudich told an undercover reporter he chose the NYT so he doesn’t have to be objective. NYT Senior Homepage Editor Desiree Shoe appeared in the second video. She admitted the paper has a left-leaning bias and it tried to influence the 2016 election.

Gordon has worked at the paper for 20 years and he told the undercover reporter that there is not one person at the NYT that likes Trump, echoing Shoe’s sentiment. He said that everyone “hates him [Trump] like the plague.”

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7 Comments on Undercover Video: NYT IT Consultant Agrees Paper Unfairly Reports on Trump

  1. Those NYT employees are low hanging fruit reflecting the beliefs and agenda of the Big Apples at the top of the tree.

    Confirming the obvious unethical propaganda spewed by the NYT.

  2. People like him who knowingly/willfully lie & manipulate their readers view this as game of sport among their peers. Can the NYT outdo the WP in clicks + land on the BREAKING news crawl of CNN/MSNBC/Twitter trend? This is nothing new.

    The infuriating thing is their attitude of “FU, what’re you gonna do about it”?

  3. meanwhile, as o’keefe strikes out at the msm liberal narrative once more, the msm sits at the news table navel gazing about trumps latest un pc moment and why the economy is starting to grow.

    the nfl is destroying itself with their players fake protests.
    the msm is destroying itself with their fake news.
    the democrats are destroying itself with its fake emoting for the military.
    the republicans are destroying their selves with their fake anti obamacare stance.
    hillary is finishing the destruction of herself with the news about the bribes and her fake charity.
    hollywood is destroying itself with it’s fake weinstein condemnation.

    and that’s just the last 24 hours.

    when you enemy is destroying itself, stand back let them.

  4. the NYTimes isn’t worthy of being a fishwrapper. Hell, it’s not worthy of wiping my ass…AFTER I’ve eaten boiled crawfish and five-alarm chili.

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