UNEXPECTED!!11! Vaccinated nurses quitting over mandate – IOTW Report

UNEXPECTED!!11! Vaccinated nurses quitting over mandate


A medical professional shared with our team of a local Portland hospital worker who quit their job last fall because of Oregon’s vaccinate-or-be-fired mandate.  The worker was vaccinated, yet they knew that the mandate once in effect would create layoffs and quickly become an unbearable strain on the system.  Oregon is suffering already  from a 15,000 health care worker shortage. That’s 15,000!

This particular nurse quit and became a traveling nurse and is now being paid more with flexible hours.   The Oregonian reported that health care positions, like traveling nurses, are making $225 an hour — the highest in the nation! more

12 Comments on UNEXPECTED!!11! Vaccinated nurses quitting over mandate

  1. Yes traveling nurses make tons of $. But you don’t think this nurse shortage wont set in motion the influx of foreign born healthcare workers to our country? Count on it

  2. Interesting how her objection wasn’t over forcing people to take an experiemtnal drug or lose their job, but that she didn’t want to deal with the overtime that situation would cause. Hardly a principled stand.

  3. Wreck confidence in institutions.

    Disrupt the ability and incentive of them to preserve the unwanted population.

    Reserve the sharply reduced health care capacity for only those the Party deems worthy, making marks of Party loyalty the primary factor considered in triage.

    …all part of the plan…

  4. The plan is working as designed.
    First fire those who don’t comply with mandate, then…
    Stress out the medical workers until they quit or strike, when they do, use a government dictate to take over health care nation wide, permanently.
    Then government has total control of every ones life.
    This is Obama’s “Fundamentally Transforming America 101”
    Communism is next, wait for it. They have three more years to work their plan out.

  5. In the coming days, people will forsake “hellspitals” all together and go to churches to be healed of their sickness and diseases because God will manifest His power that worked in Jesus in His believers.

    Luke 6:17
    And all the people were trying to touch Him (Jesus), for POWER was coming from Him and healing them all.

    Eph 3:20
    20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the POWER (the same power that was in Jesus) that works within us (believers)…

  6. @grool
    Never heard of Hobart Freeman. Had to look him up. So some got healed temporarily and some got their eternal healing.

    From some of your posts, it appears that you’re a person of faith. When you’re refused access to medical care for whatever reason (unvaxxed, religion etc.) where you going to go? If you’re only slightly aware of Bible prophecy, you know that’s what is going to happen.

    In reality, Christians should be going to their spiritual leaders for prayer and healing according to James first. Why should the scourging of Jesus go to waste?

    The two verses that I quoted (among others) in my previous post proves that we have the same power in us that was in Jesus. That power is the power of God that resurrected Jesus from the dead. That power is the power of the Holy Ghost that indwells every believer.

    You’ll see that power manifested in these last days. Be a part of it-don’t negate it.


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