United Auto Workers expand strike, shut down largest Stellantis plant – IOTW Report

United Auto Workers expand strike, shut down largest Stellantis plant

JTN: The United Auto Workers union on Monday announced that it had expanded its ongoing strike to include the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant, which belongs to Stellantis.

The manufacturer, formerly known as Chrysler, has been the least willing to work with the striking auto workers among the Detroit Three, Politico reported. The walkout at the plant brings the total number of striking workers up to 40,000.

Initially, the UAW began its efforts with targeted strikes at key facilities belonging to Stellantis, Ford, and General Motors, but has gradually expanded the strike to additional locations in the face of unpalatable offers from the companies.

Stellantis, for its part, expressed frustration at the walkout, saying it had not received a counter-offer since its last overture to the union on Thursday. more here

13 Comments on United Auto Workers expand strike, shut down largest Stellantis plant

  1. I had to look up Stellantis.
    Remember when Mercedes-Benz owned Chrysler? I guess they saw the light.

    Meanwhile, Korean & Japanese manufacturers thrive, including their American workforce. And if UAW workers are throwing bolts into the cars they make, why in the world would I support them with my purchase?

  2. Let’s see. The UAW financed and voted for Biden. Biden destroyed our economy, caused record inflation. And now the UAW is whining because costs have skyrocketed? Effem.

  3. Quit putting crap on vehicle’s that I neither want or need.
    They’re pretty good now on the power train side. It’s all the electronic crap that causes the problems. Cost me over 10 bucks the other day for a marker light bulb.

  4. The unions want more because of record profits. On the surface, this sounds reasonable. But will they take less when profits are down? Not a chance. If their hourly wage worked both ways I might actually be OK with this. But they unilaterally want wages to go up no matter what. Screw them.


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