University Lists Micro-Aggressive Words And Asks What Did We Miss? – IOTW Report

University Lists Micro-Aggressive Words And Asks What Did We Miss?


justwords1How about-

White, Male, Suburban, Patriarchal, Cis Gender, Redneck, NASCAR, Gun Nut, Christian….  are you kidding me?

And if you read deeper into this story, the university has deemed the phrase “politically incorrect” as politically incorrect. The left will eventually implode on itself, it’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of when.





20 Comments on University Lists Micro-Aggressive Words And Asks What Did We Miss?

  1. Thus we have the back-dooring the 1st Amendment by the Ignorami of the Left pandering to the vast, vacuous, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, white guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, Xanax-disabled, Valium-dependent, dope-smoking Depakote Dummies, busted-ass, gullible, ignorant, uninformed sheeple who’s religion is symbolized by the letters ACLU and pray to their god of nothingness:
Obama is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down with Barney Frank. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Nancy Pelosi, I will fear no evil, for Oprah art with me. Thou annointest my head with Politically Correct bullshit. 
Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity, deliver us from bad feelings and embrace the Suck!

  2. Y’know, the time is coming where PC BS will no longer be tolarated; that means that which looks huge and insurmountable now, will look tiny, then.
    Can you smell what the rock is cookin’?

  3. I like MACRO AGGRESSIVE words.

    Idiot. Moron. Chucklehead. Fool. Progressive. Tool. Pinhead. Nancy Boy. Ball less. Cretin. Coward. Asswipe. Shit for brains. Democrat. Dipshit. Milquetoast. Flop eared cum breathed whore. Twit. Slacker. FaceBooker. Asswipe. Fart Biter.

    Yeah, stuff like this. Seems to amaze the recent generation when you unload on their ignorant asses. Heh. After I’m done with ’em they DESERVE that “Participation” trophy.

    At least they’ve seen ONE example of the citizenry that thinks their shit actually has an unpleasant aroma.

  4. Hey, microagression works the other way, too. That list should include conservative, right-wing, bible-thumper, redneck, strict constructionist, constitutionalist, corporate big-wig, suit, white collar, blue collar, and on and on.

  5. “Microagression” Wow. That’s a stupid word if there ever was one.

    (I wonder how long Alex Trebec will last on Jeopardy now that his show has allowed the Left to be called pansies?)

  6. Soon enough the radical PC leftists will be reduced to nothing more than huddled gibbering and drooling messes in a closet somewhere because their tortured but overactive imaginations will deem every single phrase as offensive, even their exhalations will be deemed offensive because they finally realized that their very breath is riddled with carbon dioxide.

  7. This reminds me of the scene in ‘Demolition Man’ when John Spartan(Sylvester Stallone) curses and is fined “one credit for violation of the verbal morality code” by an automated police recorder. (He then says, ” What the fuck is this” and is fined another credit.)

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