University of California system pledges to funnel millions to Mexican universities – IOTW Report

University of California system pledges to funnel millions to Mexican universities

RedAlertPolitics: Earlier this week, the University of California boasted its latest efforts to defy President Trump: sending UC President Janet Napolitano to Mexico City. Napolitano’s office basically said her visit to Mexico was a direct response to Trump’s border wall plan; to “send a very strong and loud message… that we believe it is wrong to isolate and antagonize this important neighbor.”

Yesterday from Mexico City, Napolitano announced the start of a partnership with the Mexican Secretariat of Energy which will funnel $10 million from UC funds, essentially California taxpayer dollars, to research in Mexican universities.

The UC suggests one vague requirement for Mexican research projects to be eligible for partnership funding: they should have “active participation from UC researchers.” The research partnership will work to promote clean and efficient energy in California and Mexico, Napolitano says, adding the initiative is part of “Mexico’s and California’s common long-term goal of finding solutions to the biggest challenges that humanity faces.”

Yes– in addition to committing over $25 million in financial aid to illegal students and giving them preferential treatment in admissions and internship programs, establishing UC campuses as ‘sanctuary cities‘, and ordering UC Police to defy federal law enforcement officials to protect criminal aliens, the UC will give away millions of taxpayer dollars to Mexico for no reason other than to spite Trump.
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21 Comments on University of California system pledges to funnel millions to Mexican universities

  1. They’re just sucking up to their eventual masters, once Mexico gets enough of their people in-state to take it back from the Anglos who stole it from them in the first place.

  2. promote clean and efficient energy

    I’ve seen these projects before. With a $10 million budget, they should be able to trickle charge a 1.5 volt 700 maH battery within 8 days and have it provide constant power to a diode for 3 hours. It has been done before, yet they keep throwing millions at it as if something different will come out of it. Insanity!

  3. That this nitwit anti American lesbian is in charge of the entire university of California system is an outrage. That she’s threatening extortion should have all good and decent Californians packing their bags and refuse to finance this treachery.

    There is a line. California has long since crossed it.

  4. A National Tax strike would not work. I bet a State Tax Strike would. They don’t have the same access to bank accounts as the Feds. And believe me, right now in California if you are a day late sending in the Sales Tax you’ve collected for them they are on the phone. Which tells me they are going broke much faster than what they are advertising.

  5. 1989 miles, $21.6B. $10 mil would pay for 9.2 miles of the wall.

    When we have a whole wall minus 9.2 miles, we know exactly who to blame for the continued crime and pillaging of America.

  6. BTW, shouldn’t the money go towards enriching Canada, the country all the losers want to migrate to? No one wants to go to the shithole in the south. They admit with their own actions giving money to Mexico is throwing good money after bad. Oh, and why are the losers still in America under a president Trump?

  7. Let me see if I understand this: the UC systems needs federal money because it doesn’t have enough money, but they have enough money to send to Mexico.

    Makes sense to me.

    And, btw, isn’t trying to make Mexican universities better a racist thing to do because 1) it implies that Mexico does not run its universities well and 2) couldn’t that be interpreted as a backhanded way of trying to keep Mexicans in Mexico?

  8. Shut the spigot off IMMEDIATELY. No federal funds sent to Mexico to support their corrupt government run by cartels.

    California can support a failed government with their own money.

  9. Since Janet Napolitano, an Ameican citizen, has targeted American citizens for attack, what has happened to deference for precedence? She’s outside American jurisdiction. Drone her.

  10. Remember this idiocy when, in just a few years, California public employee’s pensions go broke. Send this article, along with a big ‘fuck you’ when the short sighted whiney public employees ask OTHERS to bail them out. They need to pay a price for their gross mismanagement of billions of dollars. Sucks to be that well educated and that stupid.

  11. Earlier post recommended fleeing. It’s either that or stand and fight. Actually recommend that but it won’t be easy. California has gone so far down the toilet. It’s tough to unflush.

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