Update from the president’s medical team – IOTW Report

Update from the president’s medical team


ht/ c. steven tucker

22 Comments on Update from the president’s medical team

  1. A question: We have been told that the masks are to protect others from you instead of protecting you from others, implying they can’t prevent you from exposure to it.

    Has this changed now that Trump is considered to have caught it by not wearing a mask which now means the masks protect you and not others?

    Such a confusing topic, science, since it never seems to have clear meanings and definitions. IMO.

  2. Thank you for posting that, BFH. Good to know POTUS is doing well, and from all indications, will continue to do so.

    There’s some weird stuff going on in the background, though. ZeroHedge has this posted, where both Senator Rick Scott and former NJ guvnah Chris Christie “misspoke” on Fox News regarding their Covid status.


    Now you see it, now you don’t.

    I also noticed that one of things they’re giving Trump is melatonin, which is da bomb when it comes to sleep, IMO. Probably needed it to get some ZZZs.

  3. May God bless and keep you President Trump, we are all praying that you and the First Lady have a full and speedy recovery. πŸ•ŠοΈβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  4. Billy, my own father went to the hospital for a stroke four months ago and was given a free bonus positive cv19 result too. He’s 82 years old with every pre-existing condition in the book basically. They quarantined him for a week and we could not even go see him lol sigh. However he was never sick and never even had the sniffles.. The hospital parking lot was also largely empty by the way.

  5. @anon: Trump didnt get covid from not wearing a mask. Germs are on hands and surfaces. Unless you’re fulkt masked, gloved and gowned up the minute tiniest virus can still enter in by your mouth or nose via your fingers. Even doctors and nurses got covid even though they took precautions. The average person cannot keep from touching their face.

  6. I echo Billy Fuster. DJT is going to show the world that you can knock the man down, and by extension, us patriots, but we get right back up swinging. Don’t f*ck with us!

  7. @Margot: “…melatonin, which is da bomb when it comes to sleep…”

    that suggests to me that he may also be receiving D3, which _can_ inhibit natural, unsupplemented, melatonin production. (D3 and zinc, along with C, are often recommended for this). For that reason, many suggest not taking D3 in the PM hours, but rather to do so in the morning.
    He’s gonna be good. He is good.
    and I’m still voting Trump

  8. @Anonymous, this whole mask thing is one big clusterfark, IMO.

    Keep in mind that the governor of Florida has lifted ALL Covid restrictions. Oh, but that’s not stopping WalFart.

    I went to Wally World the other day for some sundries. I don’t wear a mask, if anyone says anything, I just put my nose in the air, say “Medical exemption” and just sail on by. What appalls me is the number of people who are masked. (Reminds me of animals wearing feed bags). Especially the retired boomers from the 55+ communities, wow, they’re on board AND HOW! There they are, all masked up and pawing the produce with bare hands, with great alacrity.

    Anyway, Wally World has huge boxes of masks out in the crossway aisles. One box offered something called an “Honor Mask” that you could purchase for ten bucks, the implication being that by wearing one, you are honoring vets. What a hose job. Oh, and all these boxes specify on the exterior that these are NOT medical masks. So why bother?

    While at Wally World, I thought I’d stop at the hairdresser for a quick trim. So I walk in and there’s a couple of 30 something marshmallow shaped girls who whined at me “You have to wear a mask”. I said, “No I don’t, I’m outta here”. I was pissed.

    So what’s this all about? It has nothing to do with health, especially since the masks have no discernible medical function. What it is, IMO, is a form of fascist corporate sadism. Not much different from deplatforming, etc. People have no idea how bad it is. The Ebay corporate cyberstalking case is just one example of how insane it has gotten.


    Rant off. For now.

  9. @ Diane Reynolds (love the name, btw) I did not know that about melatonin, thanks for the info, good to know. A friend of mine warned me about melatonin years ago, to be careful of the dose. A quarter of a tablet is all it takes for me. It can leave a person with a logy feeling if not taken properly.

  10. When Trump and his wife recover from this, they’ll emerge even stronger, making the China Flu scammers and all scammers taking advantage of it look like the scammers they are.

  11. “The Internet is raging with conspiracy theories this weekend on how President Donald Trump may be faking his illness or using his Covid-19 treatment for some hidden dark purpose.

    MSNBC host Joy Reid drew criticism for passing along postings on how Trump may be lying about his illness to β€œget out of the debates.”

    On CNN, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer agreed with host Erin Burnett that even Vice President Pence may be lying in simply saying that morning that the President and First Lady were doing well while convalescing in the White House. Michael Moore warned the public that this all may be a massive lie orchestrated by Trump….

    If we are going to unleash more conspiracy theories, at least make them interesting….No, I am not speaking of viral immunity. I am speaking of super MAGA powers:…”

    https://jonathanturley.org/2020/10/03/trump-critics-fuel-internet-conspiracy-theories-surrounding-the-presidents-illness/#more-163723 .

  12. CCNV, here’s the AP story.


    “President Donald Trump went through a β€œvery concerning” period Friday and the next 48 hours β€œwill be critical” in his care as he battles the coronavirus at a hospital, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Saturday. Meadows’ comments contradicted the rosy assessment of Trump’s condition offered by his staff and doctors, who took pains not to reveal the president had received supplemental oxygen at the White House before his hospital admission.

    β€œWe’re still not on a clear path yet to a full recovery,” said a weary Meadows.”

    Reading further in the story, it looks as if they have Pence warming up in the bullpen. πŸ˜•

  13. Thanks, Margot!

    I can imagine some of this is because he is just worn down. You cannot go 100mph and still be 100%. Prayers for a speedy recovery (for all involved) so he can continue to protect this country from the evil left!!

  14. Absolutely, CCNV. I can well imagine how worn out he must be, after almost four years of relentless harassment from the left, the globalists and the legion of haterz. He was not in top form during the debate, that’s for sure. In a way, at least he is getting some much needed rest.


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