Update – SPLC fires co-founder Morris Dees for unspecified misconduct – IOTW Report

Update – SPLC fires co-founder Morris Dees for unspecified misconduct

Local reporter: “Looks like a combination of complaints regarding sexual harassment and racial biases in promotion and hierarchy led to this.”

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11 Comments on Update – SPLC fires co-founder Morris Dees for unspecified misconduct

  1. How convenient, what were the directional differences? Easy enough to just claim sexual harassment and fire his rear end. Especially when there is a 500,000,000 pie to cut up.

  2. @Anonymous
    MARCH 15, 2019 AT 7:30 PM
    ‘“Morris Dees” sounds like a DJ instead of a crony-communist POS embraced by google and the rest of the gang.“

    Yeah, I think he will have to go back to doing the “Weekly Top 40”!

  3. He built this den and filled it with vipers, all of them are communists.
    Don’t get me wrong, I love to see the left eat themselves, just would like to hear the gory details.

  4. Lemme see. What could Morris Dees have done wrong? He was a democrat, right? Did he pal around with Bubba, Biden, Epstein, Barney Frank, Elton John, Hugh Hefner, Gomer Pyle, Ed Buck, Harvey Milk, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Roman Polanski, Pee Wee Herman, Jerry Sandusky, or Woody Allen? Was he a regular at Man’s Country? Can’t figure out what Dees did wrong…

  5. OK what managed to find in the rumor mill was that his step-daughter accused him of molesting him as a teen? child? and that he was equal rights in front of the cameras but a complete racist in private. Also, he had a reaaaaally messy divorce.


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