US Air Force Deserter found living in California – IOTW Report

US Air Force Deserter found living in California

Breaking 911: CALIFORNIA —

Air Force Officer Missing For 35 Years Found Living In California.

On June 6, 2018, Air Force Office of Special Investigations Detachment 303 Special Agents at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., apprehended Air Force fugitive Capt. William Howard Hughes, Jr. at his California residence without incident.

On June 5, during a passport fraud investigation, the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service interviewed an individual claiming to be Barry O’Beirne. After being confronted with inconsistencies about his identity, the individual admitted his true name was William Howard Hughes Jr., and that he deserted from the U.S. Air Force in 1983.

Capt. Hughes claimed that in 1983 he was depressed about being in the Air Force so he left, created the fictitious identity of O’Beirne and has been living in California ever since.

Capt. Hughes deserted the Air Force in July 1983 after returning from temporary duty in Western Europe. Hughes was last seen in the Albuquerque, N.M., area withdrawing $28,500 from his bank account at 19 different branch locations.  more here

12 Comments on US Air Force Deserter found living in California

  1. What a strange accident.
    Was he applying for a Passport?
    Why? Where was he going? What’s he been doing for the past 35 years?
    Some connection to HR Clinton?
    Nah … then he’d be dead …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. and all he had to do was report to sickbay
    and he would be out on a medical honorable discharge
    with all $$$bennies for life…

  3. Did I read it right, he was arrested at Travis Air Force Base?
    If he wanted to be found, he picked a good place.
    What the hell was he thinking?

    I forgot.
    Marijuana is legal in California, and so is Travis AFB.

  4. Maybe he’s running from something bigger. Maybe it was a 50/50 chance he’d be caught and protected in custody by the AF, or get his passport and get away from whatever was after him. I know, budget X-Files, but Roswell and stuff.

  5. okay…we can find AND PROSECUTE this little prick…

    yay!!!….go US!!!!!

    yeah, not……this guy just needs to use the hillary defense…..every single one of them only needs to use the hillary defense…

    UNTIL YOU PROSECUTE HILLARY FOR HER CRIMES, you don’t have the right to prosecute me for my petty little crimes…..

    this should be the argument in EVERY SINGLE CASE OF THIS KIND…until they finally DO PROSECUTE HILLARY…..

  6. if comey and clapper and tapper and mccabe and mueller and lerner and koskinen and rosenstein and mueller and stroke (yeah i don’t know how to spell his name) and page and the list seems ENDLESS…..because IT IS….

    if none of them end up in prison where they belong, then they have proven to us that this is no longer a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE….

    and unfotunately, that means it’s time to water the tree……

    okay, editing….i KNOW FOR A FACK…I SIGNED MESELF IS AS CHUCKIE before i posted this comment….what the HECK!!!!


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