US Judge Says No to Democratic Effort to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Funds – IOTW Report

US Judge Says No to Democratic Effort to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Funds

Epoch Times: A federal judge has rejected a lawsuit that House Democrats had wanted to use to block President Donald Trump’s plan to divert funds to help build a border wall.

District Court Judge Trevor McFadden of the District of Columbia ruled that the lawsuit lacked legal standing (pdf). Democrats wanted to sue Trump for using money appropriated by Congress for other purposes to build the wall.

“This is a case about whether one chamber of Congress has the ‘constitutional means’ to conscript the Judiciary in a political turf war with the President over the implementation of legislation,” McFadden wrote.

“[W]hile the Constitution bestows upon Members of the House many powers, it does not grant them standing to hale the Executive Branch into court claiming a dilution of Congress’s legislative authority,” he added.

“The Court therefore lacks jurisdiction to hear the House’s claims and will deny its motion.”

The Justice Department supported McFadden’s ruling. In a statement, a department spokesman said: “The court rightly ruled that the House of Representatives cannot ask the judiciary to take its side in political disputes and cannot use federal courts to accomplish through litigation what it cannot achieve using the tools the Constitution gives to Congress.”

Democrats were reviewing the ruling and are deciding whether to appeal, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Reuters.

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