USAID To Continue Work With “Proven UN Partners” – IOTW Report

USAID To Continue Work With “Proven UN Partners”

It seems Vice President Mike Pence caused some confusion when he stated to In Defense of Christians Summit last week that the State Department will send aid directly to “faith based partners” for Christians persecuted by ISIS in the Middle East rather than through UN agencies.

The United States Agency for International Develop (USAID) has clarified Pence’s remarks telling Breitbart News that they will continue to work with “proven UN partners.” The official contacted stated that the State Department is working on a “new initiative,” to make sure aid reaches the intended recipients, but will continue using the United Nations and recognized NGOs.


I don’t know if  the State Department got the memo or if they’re refusing to comply with their new directive.

2 Comments on USAID To Continue Work With “Proven UN Partners”

  1. The UN is fraught with bureaucracy, waste and corruption.

    When USAID funnels our tax dollars through the UN, we feed the beast.

    Pence has it right, provide assistance directly to those in need with full accountability.

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