Big Gov:
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has invited California governor Jerry Brown to deliver a keynote address in their upcoming meeting on climate change to be held in the Vatican.
The Nov. 2-4 Vatican workshop titled “Health of People, Health of Planet and our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health” will attempt to link up the health risks posed by air pollution with anthropogenic climate change driven by carbon emissions.
This is not the first time the Vatican has offered a platform to the contentious California governor from which to proclaim his views on global warming.
Invited to speak at a similar Vatican event in 2015, Jerry Brown, a darling of Planned Parenthood, railed against climate-change skeptics, calling them well-financed “troglodytes” who are determined to “bamboozle” the gullible.
Water always finds its own level.
Now THERE’S two peas in a pod: Gov “Moonbeam” Brown and Socialist Pope “Tear Down Your Borders (But I’ll Keep Mine)”.
May God in His infinite mercy reach down and smite them both at this “conference”, they are both ripe in their iniquities. Thy will be done, Lord.
Any wonder why Catholics aren’t attending Church these days? There’s your answer ( at least one of them ).
Trying to think of a word that rhymes with pope…
God isn’t smiting anyone today. If He were, this planet would have been reduced to a burned-out cinder 20 centuries ago.
The pope and Brown both have opportunity to repent and be saved during this dispensation of grace, as all do. If they waste it, as they likely will, it’s on them in the Lake of Fire.
Meerkat, I call him Pope Oprah.
Crucify him!
Doesn’t Spain claim to be Catholic? Do you think we could get world peacemaker Jimmy Carter to convince the King of Spain to let Catalonia go free, if we give them back California?
Give Spain California, Does it deserve it?
Hopefully the Vatican Boyz , make Jerry Brown their Gimp !!!
Unbelievable. The Pope is a commie.
Hopefully the plane will run out of gas mid flight. Brown, the white obama.
On behalf of ALL Californians, I apologize for the ass wipe that is Governor Moonbeam who cannot seem to understand his limited role as governor. AGW is crap and not science and disproved by the warming periods, minute amount CO2 in the air compared to other green house gases like water and mankind’s minuscule contribution, solar activity, and downward temperature trend for the last decade plus.
The Pope is a socialist, liberal, and from his unworthy political positions has never read the Bible.
I wonder whether Catholics in the western world realize they could have had a thoughtful and intelligent Canadian Bishop as Pontiff instead of a left wing, rebel who hasn’t met a socialist cause he didn’t like, who misinterprets the bible (either through shear ignorance or by design) to try to create a socialist church and is failing to prepare Roman Catholics the world over to act as a bulwark to protect western civilization from a Muslim faith that is degenerating back to the 7th century.
They had to go far and long to find this idiot
He’ll also be participating in break out sessions discussing the benefits of late term abortions.
About now I’m wondering if Catholics are regretting Shitting on all non-Catholic Christians , you know the one true Church Crap !
To think all this time you’ve been as blindly guided as Democrats !
I’ll never forget going to Catholic Mass with my bud and his family as a 16 year old. They where so Lucky , the men got to sleep or listen to football on an earphone, and the Women could pretend to understand the Gay guy in the purple outfit speaking a foreign Language !!!
The Vatican should have invited George Carlin, or at least played his video on climate change.
Check it out.