Venezuela is human tragedy in the making – IOTW Report

Venezuela is human tragedy in the making

CFP: Hey Bernie, have you looked past your bad haircut lately? How about you, Jerry Brown (D-CA), with a state that has a $1.2 trillion shortfall in its public pension system & health care (Calpers, CalStrs & State health plan) and sitting on the crumbling remnants of what used to be the finest freeway system and infrastructure in the world… a figurative picture of what used to be one of the richest states in the union? California is quickly becoming a state only for the rich and those that serve them.


Venezuela is human tragedy in the making…food rationing, starvation, skyrocketing unemployment, widespread crime, political corruption, suppression of political parties (elimination of free speech), state-controlled media, hyperinflation, massive social unrest and gasoline shortages, despite having the largest oil reserves in the world.

Citizens are being blocked from escaping. Nearly all flights in and out of the country have been halted.

Venezuela used to be one of the most prosperous countries in the region but is now destitute. People cannot even get passports for lack of materials to make them.  read more

10 Comments on Venezuela is human tragedy in the making

  1. Everything mentioned about Venezuela is fact. Those on the left have little use for facts, because they all live in fantasy land. There are no facts in fantasyland, because they would be inconvenient. it is a place where the favorite solution is the ostrich approach. there is no such thing as a dose of reality.

  2. Meanwhile, in Capitalist USA, as I pump gas into my 4×4 SUV I can walk into the building and get myself a triple whammy burger with fries and a drink for about six bucks. At several locations in town.

  3. Any dipshit progressive who talks about how great socialism/communism is should be required to live in it for a year. I dunno about anybody else, but I judge countries by how many people are trying to get in or out… if they can and I sure don’t see anybody wanting to go to this shit hole!

  4. The world stood by and did nothing effective about the Rwandan genocide. There was no response from the US or from the UK while Mugabe led Zimbabwe into poverty, lawlessness, and chaos. Why should Venezuela be treated any differently?

  5. Where are the pro-commie rioters now? Did the sacks of rice and beans payments stop?
    That’s the joke in the dictator run countries. You starve the people to the point where they will do anything for the jefe as long as the sacks of rice and beans show up at the front door every other month.

    I do believe Venezuela’s out of beans…

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