Victim of Washington Cougar Attack Created a Safe Space For Transgender Bikers – IOTW Report

Victim of Washington Cougar Attack Created a Safe Space For Transgender Bikers

Were transgender bikers “unsafe,” aside from mountain lion attacks?


Tom Fucoloro, a writer for Seattle Bike Blog, said Brooks had created a local bike community in which women, transgender people and others can feel welcome.

“A lot of women, especially women of color, would go into bike shops and have a bad experience,” Brooks told Fucoloro in an article published last year. “And that bad experience means even though someone might bike to get around, a bad bike shop experience might dissuade them from learning more.”

Speaking of learning more—>

If you encounter a cougar, don’t run — because the animal’s instinct is to chase. Instead, authorities advise people to never take their eyes off the animal and to try to appear larger and more intimidating. Shout, wave your arms and throw rocks, anything to let the animal know you are a threat and not prey.

“If the cougar attacks, fight back aggressively and try to stay on your feet,” according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Cougars have been driven away by people who fought back.”


ht/ jd hasty

So this will go into the history books as a man being killed by a mountain lion?

26 Comments on Victim of Washington Cougar Attack Created a Safe Space For Transgender Bikers

  1. “A lot of women, especially women of color, would go into bike shops and have a bad experience,”
    Wow! And all this time I thought bike shops were run by left leaning wusses. Who knew, in reality, they were evil conservatives?

  2. The story says the cougar jumped on one guy and the other one ran. So the cougar chased that dude down and killed him while the other guy ran away.

    Both of those dudes should have been killed. What total lumps. Hell of a friend. “gettin’ attacked? SEE YA!”

  3. I walked and biked up there for many years and the Cougar there that I saw alive (and were stalked by as well) were probably 12 feet long from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. I’m certain of it for they shot one near Carnation and laid it on a 7 foot picnic table and the nose was at one end, the tail was on the ground. The one I encountered walking my dogs crossed the trail maybe 25 yards in front of me looking as if to say “what are you doing on my trail”. Pepper spray my ass, I always packed a 10mm. These cats are big cats.

  4. As a runner I have encountered dogs and PACKS of dogs over the years.
    I always stop and “Hulk Out” on the animals.
    I yell and scream and act like devil-spawn.
    I have a very menacing bark, very realistic.
    They stop coming at me every time.

    Many years back, I was running at night (I don’t do that anymore) and a pack of 10-12 dogs of varies sizes chased me. I stopped and yelled and they stopped.
    I resumed running and they resumed chasing.
    This went on until finally they dispersed.
    Where the fuck was did that pack come from?
    It was a residential area.

    In Central Florida I encountered alligators, wild boars, vultures, opossums, armadillos, etc.

    I suppose not being a transgender I am privileged.

  5. The guy that left his bud in the dust just proved the old joke “that when in the woods you don’t have to outrun the cougar to be safe you just need to outrun your best buddy” to be true!@

  6. Damn publicans made mountain lions racist and homophonic now. Yes, publicans. That’s how it was pronounced to me by some arguing that publicans are behind everything.

  7. Althouse is talking about this today also…minus the LBGTQ angle.

    So the two male buddies out biking in known mountain lion country— completely unarmed— were actually not guys, but trannies?

    Well alrighty then.

    So Tranny #1 is attacked, and “his” BFF screams and runs away leaving BFF 1 to be eaten alive? But #2 running away draws the cat’s attention so cat drops Tranny #1 and attacks #1 instead. Tranny #2 jumps up and, seeing “his” BFF who had just abandoned “him” to be killed, returns the favor, says “seeya wouldn’t wanna be ya” and jumps on his bike and pedals away back to Seattle. Last glimpse of his BFF #2 is being dragged into the bushes to be devoured. #1 later claims he ditched his friend in order to “get help”—um, 30 miles away.

    Sounds like no loss. Darwin is always right.
    So much girly cowardice there— neither of these pukes made even the feeblest gay move at helping the other— not even shrieking in a falsetto lisp or throwing a water bottle.
    And with cell phones, neither could call for help from the scene?

    It’s almost like there’s something…wrong…missing…defective…about transgender’s.

  8. these are not bikers, they are bicyclists. bikers ride motorcycles, and have been called bikers for half a century. i know it’s kind of reversed, but there is a definite precedent.

    i don’t ride motorcycles, but i hate those lycra wearing pansies on bicycles…

  9. I feel real bad that the cougar was shot by Fish & Game.

    I would much rather they had shot the tranny that got away. I consider the cougar to be far more valuable. And I’m not kidding either.

  10. @loshonhora – I respectfully report that my etymological dictionary (the OED) cites sources as far back as 1883 where the term “biker” referred to a bicyclist.

    Today, both motorcyclists and bicyclists are touchy on the matter; both use the term and resent it when it’s applied to the “wrong” group. I don’t really understand why.

  11. Am I supposed to believe that transsexuals place physical fitness, bike riding in the mountains, as a typical exercise choice? Is this a common everyday incident for them that they carry the trauma into the bike shop?

    For cripes sake, it was a house cat on the side of the road. It wasn’t a cougar and neither are you, Tom.

  12. @geoff the aardvark May 22, 2018 at 1:34 am

    > Why are these idiots riding their bikes in an area known to be frequented by cougars?

    Because ALL must bow to our non-binary superiority! It’s the LAW!


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