VIDEO: Florida’s Ron DeSantis Announces Executive ‘Action’ Against Biden Vaccine Passports – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Florida’s Ron DeSantis Announces Executive ‘Action’ Against Biden Vaccine Passports

National File-

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Monday that he would be taking executive action against the “vaccine passports” being developed by the Biden regime and private corporations to deny Americans the right to commerce if they cannot provide proof of receiving a COVID vaccination shot on the spot.

“You want the fox to guard the hen house? I mean, give me a break,” DeSantis said. “I think this is something that has huge privacy implications, it is not necessary to do.”

DeSantis said that while it’s “important” for vulnerable populations to be able to take the vaccine, “we are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life normally, and I’m going to be taking some action, in an executive function, emergency function right here very shortly.” more

10 Comments on VIDEO: Florida’s Ron DeSantis Announces Executive ‘Action’ Against Biden Vaccine Passports

  1. “Miller’s new group will basically be a conservative version of the ACLU … ”

    Conservative attempts at this kind of thing almost always either fail or are not very effective.

  2. If someone wants to take the vaccine, fine. I personally don’t know how it would interact with my brain and stuff. That’s why I’m not taking it. I don’t want to lose my sick sense of humor. Besides, with my luck I’d be dead within two weeks after the jab.

  3. Love this guy. He doesn’t take shit from the media, gets right back in their faces. Obviously running for the nod in 2024. Seeing as how Trump only has 1 term left in him, I wonder if he’d do the veep thing for 4 years?

    Still, without a major overhaul of our elections, no one like him gets elected President.

  4. Maybe not VV. A RINO like GW or GHW might be preferable to TPTB if a candidate like Sanders won the dem nod. They sure as hell don’t want the gravy train getting stopped with excessive socialist nonsense.

    Of course Sanders was too easy to buy off but another true believer like AOC wouldn’t be.


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