Vietnam misses Trump as it struggles with China – IOTW Report

Vietnam misses Trump as it struggles with China

American Thinker:
By Peter Kauffner

While U.S. pundits see Vice President Kamala Harris’s visit to Hanoi as a way for her to get out of town and avoid awkward questions, the Chinese media responded with sharp commentary accusing her of inciting Vietnam against China.  For her part, Harris accused China of “bullying” in the South China Sea.  The U.S.-China-Vietnam strategic triangle is certainly on the minds of ordinary Vietnamese.

At a park in central Saigon, some students asked me, “Do you know why we love Trump?”

“Is it because he hates China?” I asked.

“Yeah!”  They responded in unison.

Yes, Donald Trump is a Vietnamese folk hero.  In fact, Trump is more popular in Vietnam than in any other country except the Philippines.

Why do Vietnamese like Trump?  Everyone tells me it is the way he talks, which I am pretty sure means the way he talks about China.  Fearing Beijing’s reaction, the government limits what the Vietnamese can say about this subject.  Many are fed up with worrying about what might make China angry.  When Trump talks about China, he is a tribune of the Vietnamese people.

The main issue that divides China and Vietnam is the South China Sea, or East Sea, as it is called in Vietnam.

The islands of this sea were unclaimed, or terra nullius, until 1932, when the French annexed them to their colony of Indochina.  They drew some lines on a map, made claims, and built a weather station.  China replied with its own map claiming the islands in 1935.  Vietnam has inherited the French claims. more

h/t Ed

8 Comments on Vietnam misses Trump as it struggles with China

  1. Vietnam wants to be our outsource/Off shore partner. Trump was flogging China like a sick dog and punishing US entities for doing biz with China. There for a while Vietnam was picking up a lot of biz. Chinese can’t come up with anything conceptual. It’s like the lights are on, but nobodies home. That’s why their top line fighter looks just like our F35. They NEED to still shit because they’re stupid. Not so with the Vietnamese. They are a pretty inventive people. They might be more dangerous than the ChiComs. That not just my concern.

  2. Why did we stop buying most of our shit from Japan?
    ohhh yeaaah, nike and them decided china could make more for much less because of all the slaves.
    You know how that goes. When GlobalCorp tells politicians
    to jump, they ask- how high?

  3. Brad – I share your sentiments. A number of years ago I had some electronic products manufactured offshore (in China) and sent them a proto-type. All they had to do is make it exactly like the original. They would send samples back with parts changed, ones they thought were better (cheaper) and I would reject them. This went on for 6 months and I was about to give up, but then they sent back an exact copy. After that they never deviated from the original spec. It was evident that they did not know what they were doing from examining the ones they changed, but they could make a million copies of the same thing once they had the process down.

  4. I think if Trump’s win wasn’t stolen, he would have talked Round Boy Kim into opening up McDonalds and Walmarts in NoKo by ’23. 😂

    Of course, all the clothes at the walmart would only be the shit he wears.


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